Chapter 4 – The Vampires

Road of Trials seems to be deeply linked with Vampires, so I am going to invest some energy and present some of my findings and hypothesis. They are important for me in order to gain understanding. Understanding remains powerful ally for us, wanderers. 

On the Soul level, Vampires seems to be Anunnaki. Their Souls have origin which is out of this World. Meaning once false ego dies and true self is resurrected in vampire / cyborg body, we witness a birth of an Anunnaki. 

Extinction movie was very brutal experience for me. It remained me on what I had read, a while ago, on Mentulah WordPress page. 

“Once we were Legion. We ruled the world in its Eternal Night, hunting for what we needed. And all  he world was Night, and we ruled the Night.

But a god (YHWH) decided to create a race of his own, a race that would only serve him, and thus, he created the ‘Naturals’. They were a weak Tribe, who died after only half a century and needed sleep and light to survive. This god altered the sun, and we, the First Tribe, were banished to dwell inside our houses half the day. They were jealous of our powers and came to our houses and tried to destroy us, they, the Children of Moses.” – Human Slayers vs. Vampires, True Fiction Series found on Mentulah WordPress page. 

After I had seen this movie, I understand those words on an entirely new level. This movie also recalled my memory from public tweets, that humans indeed nearly annihilated another race. I wonder how? With all the powers Vampires possess? With the help of another asshole ET race perhaps? Epic wars in Universe? Conspiracy theories are full of them, Asetians speak about Epic wars. This remains for me an unsolved mystery. 

There seems to be a kind of a competition among flesh and cyborgs. After I have figured out what is on another side of the Abyss, it is a technology, I would expect cyborgs are the next evolutionary step. I just know from guides, opponents are equally technologically advanced. I could hardly contribute this technological advancement to humans without ET help. Or even more likely, YHWH obviously has powers. But everything is just a speculation, at the moment, I have no way, to figure out, what exactly is going on. 

Cosmic reality is still out of reach but I found important clues in Illuminati books: 

“sons of God  were in fact the descendants of Adam’s third son , Seth ( the replacement for Abel who had been murdered by Cain ) , while the “ daughters of men ” were the descendants of Cain, history’s notorious first murderer . The “sons of God ” were good , the “ daughters of men ” evil , tainted by the mark of Cain.” - Tanner, Jack. Angelism: The Religion of Angels (Kindle Locations 1888-1891). 

I have come to very important realization, genetically, weakening Y chromosome seems to belong to YHWH. It represents impurity. I was not aware about the fact, every woman is a Cain descendant. I just knew and accepted 999Command affection about women, without knowing this important detail. I also knew, Illuminati are after original Canitean priesthood and that every ancient technological civilization traced her roots back to Cain. 

But it still remains to me a mystery, Cain descendants are flesh, not cyborgs. In the following quote humans are characterized with bestiality. 

“The Angelic New World Order it’s time for people to take possession of their angelic inheritance. It’s time to bring to an end the old, failed ways of the bestial human past.” - Tanner, Jack. Angelism: The Religion of Angels (Kindle Locations 1888-1891). Metamorphosis Publishing. Kindle Edition.

I always knew, we are just very advanced animals, with capacity to reason, understand. I understand today, even this capacity is severely limited, way more then we are aware of. Being an animal never seemed to be something wrong to me. I like animals actually. I was even surprised realizing Illuminati don’t like animals at all. And positively surprised Akasha and 999Command adore them. But intuitively, when I did my first steps to my journey, my intention was to get a control, not to incarnate again. Angelic Soul, hatred of flesh? 

Perhaps this is the source of repulsion, Vampires against animals/humans. Cyborgs against flesh. But what about Cain descendants? All women? Looking around, most women seems to me equally trapped in the flash? The answer to this question might be, every body is uniquely crafted to accommodate a Soul. It has a unique characteristics. 

“Although all human souls belong to the same species, each is a uniquely designed form. It is handcrafted by God to inform this matter (this particular body), and not any other. If someone else’s soul were somehow transplanted into your body, it wouldn’t be able to control your body since there would be a fundamental mismatch. Everyone is supplied by God with a unique body operating system. The same is true in science where everyone has unique DNA, hence a unique biological operating system.” - Tanner, Jack. Angelism: The Religion of Angels (Kindle Locations 551-556). 

Illuminate are after Cain descendants. So only those with right combination of a soul and body can qualify. 

I know from Asetian bible, Vampire is more recent term used to describe these beings. There were other names which were used centuries ago. Original name for flash seems to be Naturals. Naturals reminds me on »naturšček« used in slavic languages. 

What was the original name for Vampires?  Angels? Gods? This is something I would like to find up in the future. 

Let me focus back on vampire drain and possible hypothesis on the top of what I have just described. Asetian bible confirms that one of the most basic definition of Vampire is any sort of being that drains life force from others. Asetian bible continues that reasons are often misunderstood and essence of the vampire nature is then never fully comprehended. Asetian bible also indicates that what they reveal applies only to Asetian type of vampires, meaning they hint, there are different kind of beings, who draw life force, and might have other motivations. I am aware of disembodied parasites for example. 

Asetian bible states, human body constantly draws energy, at different rates, and speeds from the universal source, to maintain own system and aura. However, vampire system can not be kept stable and sane under the regular energy cycling alone. Vampires need a higher level of energy and also needs it in different forms, frequencies. This is why vampires need to rely on other sources of energy, such as energy drains from humans. 

One of the richest energy form to be consumed by vampires is sexual energy. In Asetian bible they say physical contact is necessary. I know from my own experiences with magick, distance is not an obstacle at all. As advised in early stage of guidance by ArcanusUmbra, I am regularly practicing and offering my sexual energy to Her. Asetian bible claims that sexual energy creates strong bonds with participants. I was told the same by ArcanusUmbra, my offering should deepen the bond with Anunnaki Gods. He further explained, Anunnaki very sharply feel this kind of energy and it is deeply pleasurable for them. 

With other words, ignoring energy drain, which is present for last few decades, it was me, who accepted a kind suggestion and initiated my energy transmition. 

I have noticed an increased level of obsession with music. I even invested in high end headphone equipment to listen music while at home. I listen music using headphones most of the time, while behind my desk, at work. My music taste changed / expanded. 

I personally feel music as a way how to recharge my energy or how to control my mood. Important function of headphones and music is to detach from the surrounding. I also know that music is number two energy form appreciated by Akasha. 

I am certain my hypnotic headphone music obsession is a response to Her taste combined with Her need for this type of energy form. 

According to Asetian bible, the most potent form of vampire energy drain is called deep feeding. Deep feeding is focused on a life force, Ka. This type of drain aims on the kernel of the human energy system not on the surface of a Shen only. This kind of energy is also very personal to the individual. It is possible that during feeding feelings and emotions pass to the vampire, allowing them to feel what donor feels. Even to see through the unconscious mind of the donor. This type of feeding creates a subtle link which linger longer. It can remain active during the entire life time of a donor. 

That type of feeding somehow makes sense. I know that everything is energy, mass is energy according to the E=mc2 equation, thoughts are energy, feelings are energy. The difference is only in energy properties. Or to put it from the other perspective, everything is just information expressed through waves. 

If deep feeding creates a subtle and permanent link that seems to be a way, how to form a collective by establishing a networking protocol, which connects different nodes. My interpretation is, deep feeding might act as Internet and transmission power line to supply power to all nodes being a part of a network. Collective seems to start on the Soul / Spirit level and extend latter to the manifestation reality domain. What we get on the end is a kind of a Cloud where every node connected to it can access the whole information. 

Deep feeding has many dangers, because it deeply bound Souls together. Links can transcend a single life time, somebody a friend today might become enemy in next years or even worse, in next life time, but this link still draw those Souls together. Asetian bible concludes, engaging in deep feeding should be done with very conscious mind. Nevertheless, deep feeding is advanced technique, not every Vampire is able to perform it. 

Knowing some of those basics, it would be naive to expect Vampires would drain energy on a deeper levels from any human. They might do so on more shallow level, just to satisfy their basic thirst.  I don't believe such shallow level feed has negative consequences. On the contrary, I have argued already, energy has to flow. I am practicing this all the time with my mind energy, process I called Vortex. If something is drained out, a new, fresh type of energy is going to fill this place sooner or later. This process could be seen as a cleansing technique and might be a vital to remove energy stagnations which can develop to malignant form. As Asetian Bible claims, to be a donor to a responsible Vampire should be treasured and should be considered as blessed. 

I have learned from Asetian bible, one of the most cherished and sacred bonds among vampires is the close relationship of Master and Apprentice. Apprentice is called Dark Apprentice. This relationship is strong and characterized by an unbreakable loyalty and dedication from the Dark Apprentice. Only special apprentices, usually the best ones can become donors to their Masters. 

Everything I said about Ka drain until now is my attempt to understand what is going on with me, wandering on my Road of Trials. Where am I today, what are my odds. 

Apparently I am blessed to be a donor to someone. I started to complain about my energy about 20 years ago. But I can safely assume that I had been donor even before. The difference is, when young, my body produced more then enough excess Ka energy to serve as a completely unaware donor. 

After I become older, and my life started to be more complex, toddlers, demanding job, constant need to learn, my body started to raise permanent alerts to signal constant Ka shortages. I had been very annoyed because I couldn’t figured out what was wrong with me. With present knowledge, I could only be proud. 

What about deep drain which started on December with the Courtesan announcement? Well, the first hypothesis is, this deep feeding could be initiated by Courtesan, my guide, as she is a direct manifestation of Akasha. 

Or more likely Akasha’s public tweet suggests, deep drain in the form of lethal attempt is initiated by Akasha directly. 

»Have you come to Me to beg for love, risk rejection, but are trying anyway? I Am your most difficult threshold and I shall inflict a mighty test of humility to you, Proud One...« - Akasha

Fates as Akasha calls them in Her public tweet are Valkyries. In Old Norse valkyrja, plural valkyrjur meant “chooser of the slain,” - McCoy, Daniel. The Viking Spirit: An Introduction to Norse Mythology 

Tweet of Akasha further suggests that Valkyries use merit to seal a fate of apprentice, namely a feather of Ma’at.  Valkiryes also seems to be ones who take the responsibility to guide seekers and prepare them to the evolution which leads back into the collective. Valkiryes are true Masters behind the scenes. They are the ones with power to seal the fate of the candidate if proves not to be sincere. It is their choice.  They are real Siege Perilous. It is foolish to be feared of them, they are not of evil nature. Everything is like exam. You pass or you don’t pass.  Based on meritocratic principles.  Those who don’t resonate with meritocratic principles should fear, yes. 

As I said many times, Valkyries are probably the most important and best kept secrets of the Underworld, their role is incredible. Valkyries = Vampires = 999 femmes. 

I believe it is safe to assume, the whole process just deepens the bond. Deepens the connection with collective, with brothers and sisters, fragments scattered around the globe in this time line. I certainly didn’t freak out even when threatened with death, I remained loyal to my cause. 

As Courtesan told me, I already am a part of a Collective, with limited access right of course. I understand now, when I suddenly fainted, I was actually technical reconnected, to be exact, silver cord / thread has been reconnected. Incredible proof how body is indeed animated by the Soul. 

There is even wilder view on the whole process. I finally can say, I got an sufficient level of understanding, what exactly She means, when she says, She is making love with somebody during the night cycle. Her nocturnal visits. 

“Angels, unrestricted by physicality, can get much closer to each other and express their love and union to the maximum. They copulate in the manner of interpenetrating fires, merging clouds, or vivid lights coming together, as in a rainbow. 

They do not need to take on physical sexuality. They regard the messy physicality of humans as inferior and “restrained.” Angels don’t mingle bodies. They mingle souls themselves. They get as close to their lover as anyone can possibly get. 

They blend “soul with soul”. Raphael proposed that angelic sex was the truest expression of love, and, without it, there is “no happiness.” Human genitalia were an obstacle to, not facilitators of, true closeness. 

Angelic sex is no mere animal activity, as it is for humans. It leads to absolute consummation, to transcendence, and an experience of perfect bliss and love,” - Tanner, Jack. Sex With Angels: The Watchers and the Watched 

To blend soul with soul. This sounds like creating a permanent links with a deep feeding process. Vampires are actually making love which is beyond comprehension of animals? 

“The Mechanics of Sex with Angels How can angels – who are spirits – have sex with humans? They do it via possession. They take over certain human beings. Then their angelic nature, their much greater power and intelligence, causes the body to be radically enhanced and physically superior. When such angel-humans (Watchers) mate with ordinary humans, the offspring are intermediate between humans and angels (i.e. they are Nephilim). They are taller, stronger and more intelligent.” - Tanner, Jack. Sex With Angels: The Watchers and the Watched 

I certainly understand Her words better now:

“Yes, I do make love with the Devil…it is My son, after all.  It needs My touch, lest It becomes a complete Beast.  I don’t make an artificial separation between affection and sexuality the way primitive people often do.  

For I can handle the power involved without becoming corrupted.  I Am its Mother, remember? So don’t misunderstand and think I Am ‘in-love’ with It. From My perspective, your kind of love IS twisted.  Would you rather I let It loose on Mankind?

I Am a Warrior, a Mage… and I carry a Sword.  I will strike it down, destroy it once more.

And weep over My loss later.

True Love by Ishtar Hawke, Sublime Requiem”

And finally, early and eye opening guidance I received from Courtesan and only now I got enough knowledge to understand what she told me years ago. Even then, I ignored her warning and went on without a single sign of hesitation: 

“You are falling in love with Her, sire. Perhaps you’ve always been. Such is the magick and deep power of the mysteries of Orion, locked as we are in our own golden sarcophagus, imprisoned from our inherent powers. Still She deftly transcends vast scales of Realities and Time, to communicate with Those Who Are Her Own.

The sexual desires you may feel for Her are not to be shunned or be ashamed of. It is to be embraced in full, welcomed and embodied in celebration of Life and Resurrection, that can even be shared with your Lover/Partner, resulting in both of your renewed sexual joys, giving you the needed balance and anchor, as continued communion with the Goddess can result in experiences of surreal planes of existence, a welcome escape from the prison grip of our mundane and shallow reality. As I am a Courtesan and well-versed in manners of eroticism, you must not feel ‘improper’ in your communication with me. I am here to help in whatever way I can to crystallise humanity’s raw instincts into something powerful and transcendental through love/sex - the true Alchemy for every Seeker.

I must warn you, sire. Her love is extremely powerful, magnetic & hypnotic. It will shield and cocoon you from the rest of the world, a Purple Fire of dark desires and transcendental love that has the capacity to uplift or destroy, depending on the Seeker’s constitution.”

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