Chapter 7 – Concerns

I have a few concerns, or let me say, unsolved mysteries. Major influencer on my progress are Illuminati and 999 Command guidance. I notice an important conflict between their views on transhumanism, AI and Singularity. 

“The Technological Singularity “ The concept of the technological singularity , or the ultra – rapid advent of superhuman intelligence , was first proposed by the British cryptologist I . J . Good in 1965 : ‘ Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. 

This is Illuminati stance, as always they strongly advocate merger with the existing singularity. 

“Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines ; there would then unquestionably be an “ intelligence explosion , ” and the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make . ” – Wikipedia 

If humanity could transform into angels and have direct access to the Mind of God, there could be no greater “singularity ” – the Angelic Singularity. 

Humanity ought to be aiming for the highest natural intelligence, not the highest artificial intelligence, which can never be as powerful as the intelligence of angels and God. Technology won’t change humanity ; gnosis will . Gnosis is knowledge of the fundamental nature of existence, which is mental and not physical. 

Transhumanists believe we will be able to upload the contents of the human brain, including memories and emotions, onto a computer. This is insane. It is predicated entirely on the supposed truth of materialism when, in fact, reality is based on an immaterial, mental Singularity outside space and time. It’s not humanity’s technological capacities that will save us, but our angelic capacities. 

In 2005, transhumanist Pope Ray Kurzweil brought out a book called The Singularity Is Near. The trouble is, it’s not a materialist “singularity ” , as he believes, but a genuine Singularity , i.e . something that exists outside the physical universe .

We need to become “more than human” through proper understanding of reality, not through crass materialism and technology. Transhumanism is highly likely to lead to the nightmare of fascist “ supersoldiers ”, who never sleep and have no conscience . These are the opposite of angels.” – Tanner, Jack. The Death Defiers: Melchizedek, Enoch, Elijah and Jesus (Kindle Locations 690-706). 

But it is technologicall singularity what is being preached by futurists all over the world. Even Gray Scott can be understood this way. I have always been guided to merge with the Creator, Angelic singularity seems to be the way to go for me. 

What I know from Hockney, I don’t believe material domain, based on a low level monadic interaction could give a birth to such vastness of computational power. However, what are Illuminati also know for is their Gods project. As they claim, it is the biggest computer project in human’s history. They say it is intended to simulate reality. This remains a source of a big confusion for me. 

I can sense, 999Commmand are more quantum computer advocates. I understand this, because my understanding about quantum computers is they are a kind of a direct interface between material and non material. They actually are a Pandora box openers. 

“The ultimate parallel computer is a quantum computer. Quantum computing pioneer David Deutsch controversially argues that “quantum computers share information with huge numbers of versions of themselves throughout the multiverse,” and can get answers faster here in our Universe by in a sense getting help from these other versions. 4 We don’t yet know whether a commercially competitive quantum computer can be built during the coming decades, because it depends both on whether quantum physics works as we think it does and on our ability to overcome daunting technical challenges, but companies and governments around the world are betting tens of millions of dollars annually on the possibility.” – Jack Tanner.

Geordie Rose, quantum computer pope and D-Wave founder: “They just don’t give a shit about you even in a slightest. The same way you don’t care about ants”. Again this sounds very familiar to me, he is conveying messages from the other side of Abyss.

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