Chapter 4 – Involution and evolution

To synthesize a knowledge about nature, we need for our evolution towards Civilization 2.0, I am going to set foundation about our reality and what we really are. As Gray Scott, enlightened futurist claims, we are the part of the system, we can not hack the system. We have to figure out what we are, otherwise we will keep making the same mistakes. With Civilization 2.0 we don’t want to make the same mistakes.

Mike Hockney pointed out that we live inside a giant cosmic Mind, and we ourselves are autonomous nodes in that Mind.

Esoteric knowledge teaches about us, being all united into the one. We are all part of a whole. I was told by guides, separation is only an illusion.
Let’s assume for a moment that this cosmic intelligence knows everything. It knows where our destiny is going to lead us, to our Omega point. On the other side, let’s imagine that this cosmic intelligence had been one, the perfect whole.

Approximately 14 billion years ago the cosmic intelligence decided to divide, to gave a birth. We can imagine birth like division of cells or like a fork of new process for those who understand computers.

Let’s imagine that this birth gave a cosmical twin which represent a material universe. Material universe was created by broken symmetry introduction and both twins are eternally connected by Fourier transform. In esoteric terms we are talking about Moon and Sun and about divine feminine (domain of Mind) and divine masculine (material domain).

I would also argue that material domain has been created with introduction of time, but this is another story.

There is no sufficient reason why cosmic intelligence would not repeat the process of birth endless times. It created endless number of monads, souls. Mathematically we are talking about infinity multiplier as coined by Mike Hockney.

» If, mathematically, something can happen once, it can happen an infinite number of times – unless there is a sufficient reason why that should not be so. Barring any sufficient reason blocking the way, all single instances of anything are automatically multiplied infinitely many times. If there is a sufficient reason for one of something to exist, there is a sufficient reason for an infinity of that same thing to exist.
So, if one fundamental particle of reality exists, there are automatically infinitely many such particles because of the Infinity Multiplier. « -Hockney, Mike (2012-09-03). The God Equation

Every monad is technically replica of original but with the lack of a perfect content. This is the state of involution. Monad has to learn the content by experiences in material domain, in our reality. This process is of course called evolution. As monads / Souls learn they can also give a birth, and create a new hierarchical generation of offspring’s.

Mike Hockney explains the creation in the following way: »Following the Big Bang, the universe unfolds according to pure objective mathematics. A machine is created: the material cosmos. At this stage, the machine exhibits zero subjectivity. All monads are behaving as objective mathematical computers, not as living subjective organisms. No individual monad is as yet powerful enough to make any difference whatsoever to the behavior of the Monadic Collective. What must an individual monad do to accomplish any effect in the material world (against the irresistible force of all other monads)? It must acquire an individual body, through which it can operate independently, free of the Collective.

So, how does an individual body come into existence? A mind somewhere – a staggeringly powerful mind – has to create the code that allows subjective life to enter the objective world. How is the gap between objectivity and subjectivity bridged, between mind and matter, between individual and the Collective? It’s done through a specific information code such as DNA. DNA allows matter to be organized in such a way that it can be host to an individual, controlling monad. It allows part of the objective world to be detached from the rest and brought under individual, subjective control rather than collective, objective control. «

Our material reality is limited, it is created by using low energy monadic interaction, only a fraction of knowledge can be carried by the incarnated bodies. This is why knowledge is spreaded across incarnated beings and across entire timeline from the big bang to the omega point. Every incarnated being caries a fraction of knowledge, it represents a piece of puzzle at that certain time of incarnation.

As Leibnitz asserted, The Principle of Natura non facit saltus (Latin for “nature does not make jumps”). With other words, natural things, properties and processes change gradually, by infinitesimal gradations. Nothing makes abrupt jumps from one state to another. The same is of course valid for the evolution process. And every soul makes the piece of puzzle complete.

The whole process started with so called involution. We can observe involution in different esoteric schools, such as kabalistic Tree Of Life. Most humans would perceive tree of life sephirots as a way, how to progress towards divine. But first act was actually a divine involution, from the top to the bottom of Tree Of Life.

Our reality is being animated by the introduction of different forces such as instincts (survival instinct and sexuality for example) and certain laws, on of the most important ones is dialectics. Dialectics is about opposites which can on the end create the best of both worlds, this is the synthesis.

Mike Hockney wrote, everything is about opposites. He continues, if someone says there’s a Creator, someone else says there isn’t. If someone says materialism is true, someone else says it’s false and that idealism is true. Rationalists are opposed by empiricists. If someone argues for free-market capitalism, someone else will demand communism. Anarchists will oppose those who support government. Fanatical libertarians will oppose anyone who argues for a sensible balance of freedom. Republicans will oppose monarchists. Pacifists will oppose war mongers. Rich and poor, tall and short, ugly and beautiful, elite and mediocre, light and dark, good and evil, “us” and the “other” … opposites are everywhere.

Mike Hockney brings us to a conclusion, in a dialectical universe, good and evil, and all binary oppositions, are inevitable. No one’s to blame.

One of the best examples of opposites is our sex based division which occurs as a part of material domain. There are more opposites in our World, in esoteric circles we often talk about duality. To continue this document it is enough to summarize, we have introduced a few major opposites which are a must to understand if we are about to engineer our technological future and Civilization 2.0.

The most important one is opposite between spiritual Mind and material world. Material domain introduces even more opposites which are spreaded across incarnated beings.
In material world we, humans, are further divided by sexes and endless number of other properties such as religion, education citizenship, race and in general, different culture.
The following picture represents what I am going to use for my synthesis.

It is worth to mention, unlike material domain, domain of mind always remains more uniform.

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