Chapter 5 – Duality

It is not difficult to observe on the diagram, unlike material domain, domain of mind always remains uniform. Mathematically are all monads / Souls the same, they are copies of universal mind after all. The difference is how much knowledge every monad managed to acquire at certain time and what is the purpose of incarnated experience. To summarize, monads / souls are all equal.
On the other hand, our material domain, where we are incarnated right now, divides us on every imaginary level.

Let’s examine culture as an example of division, I used it in my Project Concordia document. By culture I mean the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people. People tend to be outer-directed and they adopt habits and characteristics of those within their close circle. It could be city culture, village culture, company culture, and department culture, a small group within a single department culture, a sports club culture or anything else.

The word “culture” derives from a French term, which in turn derives from the Latin “colere,” which means tend to the earth and grow, or cultivation and nurture. There is no difference between tending or cultivating of earth or cultivating flock of people.

Culture is a phenomenon which efficiently molds people into some kind of predefined shape and builds barriers between those shapes. Culture is all about us and them. We are different and they are bad guys.

Culture is a masculine principle, inherited from Roman era or probably even before. On the contrary, Greek civilization was more about how to live in tune with nature, how not to force/rape the nature. Greek civilization was closer to Atlantis type of civilization and this most likely is the real reason why Greeks had so many brilliant minds. Because they were more in tune with the Creation and they were granted/blessed to access the mind of the Akasha.

Another, even more important is sexual division. Women and Men. One of the most important realizations of this text should be, monad / soul has no sex. This realization has to sink in!
As Mike Hockney suggests, one soul might get accustomed to get incarnated always as one specific sex. Problem arises when monad lacks skills how to attach to a preferred body. In lot of cases it might happen that monad with sexual preference attaches to the opposite sex body. And such combination results in dissatisfaction with incarnated body and this is the source of sexual preferences which are considered bad in our sick society. But the fact remains, soul has no sex! We are all androgynous at the core. To understand this we must delve deep into Jung’s psychology:
»While the shadow is the same sex as the persona but has the opposite psychological characteristics, the anima (for men) or animus (for women) has both the opposite psychological aspects and the opposite sex. The anima/animus is also known as the Soul-Image. It’s our internal representation of our perfect soul mate. It guides our relationships with the opposite sex, and, above all, determines how and with whom we “fall in love”.
Our first contact with it is through our parent of the opposite sex. This relationship invariably has a huge bearing on the subsequent development of our soul-image. We may incorporate many of the parent’s qualities or, conversely, reject the qualities they exhibit.

Soul-Images are projected onto our love interests – which is why our lovers seem to have a special quality that no one else possesses.

For men, the anima represents Eros (love/sex). It can be represented by a virgin, a whore, a seductress, a femme fatale, a siren, a muse – someone who electrifies us.

For women, the animus represents Logos (reason) and reflects a woman’s search for meaning and knowledge. When she’s a girl, a girl’s animus is her father. As she gets older, it becomes the dashing figure of a hero. Later, it’s a respectable figure such as a doctor or priest. If someone has a thinking persona, their Soul-Image is feeling oriented, and vice versa. If they are intuitive, they will have a sensation Soul-Image, and vice versa. A thinking man wants a feeling soul mate in order to feel psychically whole.

The anima is a man’s feminine side, his inner female. It’s via his anima that he understands the female sex. For a woman, the animus is her masculine aspect, her inner male.

If something goes wrong with the archetypal development of the anima/animus, an individual may identify with their soul-image and thus acquire characteristics of the opposite sex. Jung regarded this as the basis of homosexuality and transvestism. If a man identifies with his anima, he becomes effeminate and his soul-image changes into that of the masculine persona he should have had i.e. his persona and his anima flip over and he falls in love with men.

In other cases, the anima (female) and the shadow (male) (or animus (male) and shadow (female) in the case of women), get mixed up since they both reflect the opposite personality type to the persona (and the anima/animus is in any case partly in the personal unconscious, the domain of the shadow i.e. it has a partial shadow nature.) This can cause the soul-image to become linked to the wrong sex or to dark and dangerous shadow impulses. This leads to such phenomena as non-effeminate homosexuality, bisexuality, bondage, sadomasochism, domination and submission, and all types of sexual “perversion”. In other cases, the anima/animus can become associated with specific objects, leading to fetishism.« – Faust, Michael How to Become God
To summarize this part, it is very obvious that all humans are expected to cooperate. Regardless of division. Any suppression based on sex or sexual preferences is thus considered not natural. We should all strive to progress, we should all strive to be in balance with our creation. Balance is a key. Balance between sexes, between races, between different skill sets, between us and animals, between us and the Planet, between us and Universe. If we would truly strive for a progress, we should stay aware, the only path is cooperation. Let’s do together.
Once we accept such simple synthesis it is easy to pinpoint what’s wrong in our society. Are women treated equal? Of course not. Monotheistic religions, are they in line with our reality which is designed to have fifty percent of women and fifty percent of men? Of course not, they are all strongholds of patriarchy.
What about division to races, skin color, is this in line with the reality? No, I am afraid not.
In Project Concordia document I went even further. About the way we work in organizations which are a part of Mercenary economy. My idea presented in Project Concordia was to break big and rigid organizations as much as possible and enable a platform, which would provide flexibility to dynamically build any kind of execution focused networks, based on the needs of any idea or project.
My thoughts are in many ways influenced by what I have learned about what we truly are. We are self-optimizing algorithms. Creativity should always challenge us and we need to remove everything that encourages rigidity on the level of our physical existence.
Rigid organizations create rigid minds. As a society, we need more flexibility, if we would like to progress. One way to break this mental jail, which is choking our society is to create flexible and dynamic working environment. This would enable more proactive souls. We need more proactive souls, we don’t need corporate drones. We can read today in press, the human capital is underutilized in Silicon Valley. Why? Because even the brightest talents can get the most rigid organizations with stupid and rigid bosses unable to get most of their own employs. Talents can’t get through the rigid corporation. In order to survive they need to convert to obedient drones. Because mercenary economy is ruled by patriarchal principles of division.
Another very important duality case is Left-Brain World versus Right-Brain World. Mike Hockney explains the difference: »the left brain world of the senses and of linear thinking is ordered, local, ordinary, and predictable. Everything takes place within space and time. The right brain world is entirely different. This is the domain of ghosts and spirits, of hauntings, possession, poltergeists and telekinesis. It’s the extraordinary realm of inspiration, Jungian synchronicity, the paranormal, homeopathy, hypnosis, bicameralism, intuition, remote viewing, psychic phenomena, astrology, soothsaying, divination, geomancy, necromancy, alchemy, religion, oracles, the soul, the otherworldly. All the weird, inexplicable things are expressions of the non-local, interconnected domain.

The left brain world is for normal, physical phenomena, and the right brain world for paranormal, psychic phenomena.

Isn’t the history of our world simply the tension between these two domains: the local and non-local, the scientific and the psychological, the ordinary and extraordinary, the secular and the sacred, the mundane and the transcendent?« – Hockney, Mike (2015-08-31). The Holographic Soul

To conclude. The task is not simple. We need to embrace every division possible in one human body. We need to find a balance between left brain and right brain. We need to integrate our Anima/Animus. We need to overcome our duality. And on the end, we need to discover the true Love which lingers in eternity. And that is unity of mental and material domain. We need to embrace Akasha and Akasha is going to embrace us.

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