Chapter 6 – Why women are not treated equal in our society

Let’s continue with sex based division with a focus to the equality of women. It is generally known that we live in patriarchy and women are in most cases not treated equal even in the most advanced western societies. But I am confident we are going to agree, we are witnessing raise of incredible changes ahead.

To better understand real role of women, let me start first with esoteric knowledge. I asserted in Involution and Evolution chapter that universal mind is associated with the feminine principle.
The following well know Egyptian picture represents Goddess Nut, God Geb and God Shu at the middle.

As we can see, Goddess Nut is depicted as heavenly deity, God Geb is represented as Earth God. God in the middle is Shu, God of air. It can be seen on the picture, they are separated. Asetian bible provides with the following interpretation of the picture:

“Geb and Nut were two divine lovers. Forever present watching over each other until the end of days, but forever apart, just touching the body of the other in a glimpse at dusk and dawn The eternal condemnation of their existence in the physical world is forever manifested in the feelings of the Asetians, having them as their divine ancestors, always sensing a rush of emotion in these portions of the day. What mattered to Geb, also mattered to Nut. They are one, but separated… As Above, So Below.”

My Guide explained me the following: »It symbolizes Duality, separation of world (lovers) into opposites. Yet of the same Source. Shu (the deity in the center) must hold Her up in balance, lest darkness reigns. For the Power of the Divine Feminine if misused and abused results in chaos and destruction, of painful separation of lovers now condemned.«

We can see that esoteric knowledge supports my hypothesis from Involution and Evolution. I can further expand on this by asserting, every incarnated woman represents divine feminine. Women are more connected to divine feminine than any incarnated man. Domain of Mind, represented by divine feminine is superior to domain of Matter. Matter is a result of Mind, not vice versa.

In her various functions, Nut was known by many titles including “Coverer of the Sky”, “She Who Protects”, “Mistress of All”, “She who Bore the Gods” and “She Who Holds a Thousand Souls”.

I can’t prove, but I am almost certain those powers to be, behind patriarchy are well aware about women power. And they would do anything to cut women from their inherited powers. By burning witches would be one example. And by inventing monotheistic religions based on patriarchy would be another example.
Esoteric knowledge also supports my overall balance hypothesis. Balance between women and man is a must. But to get there, following the principles of dialectic, women has to take over this world first.

“The feminine polarity is creation and destruction. And if it’s suppressed, guess which side comes roaring out.” – Guide

And this is exactly what is going on right now.

I have always understood importance of women for the human or animal kingdom. By selecting a male for sex and mate. Women are the major drivers of the evolution, and their ability to select couldn’t be more important. This principle is of course well aligned with Soul selector function. To make a right selection is the core of Will To Power, and evolution.
I recently read about the percentage of males with access to sexually available women. These statistics was a surprise for me, how many males do not have opportunity to mate and reproduce. I learned about 80/20 rule, 80% women go after 20% top men.

This statistical diagram is interesting, the percentage of males unable to reproduce almost unbelievable:

This statistics supports the hypothesis, women deep down at their consciousness are programmed to select top men only. Reason? Women carry a heavy burden to be a mind behind the evolution process.

I my view, patriarchy based way of life is based on two priorities, namely, how to manipulate female mate select function, and how to suppress the natural female gift to create and destroy.
Female mate select function is degraded by our way of life, which is designed with masculinity in mind. Traditionally females need males to support them and their offsprings. This has, and will even more be changed by our modern, technology based society. Old patterns are crumbling and this is what is going to give way for Civilization 2.0. Males doing muscle labor in order to survive the family are suddenly redundant.

More deranged religion based societies, literally eradicated all woman rights. And by doing this they secured “vagina access” to those with almost null chance to reproduce, if reproduction would be entirely in hands of women. In many societies they even rape women, with other words, they secure “vagina access” by force.

Female ability to destroy is of course not welcomed in patriarchy based society, because it destroys status quo. But every progress is based on eradicating, destroying, burning first the old patterns. Humans would resist the change no matter what. Because the way of life of Humans is not based on change. The whole system promotes rigid selector function, inability to change. Unwillingness to change. By denying the ability to express their energy to females we have suppressed our ability for a rapid changes. Changes secure progress.

The fact is, feminine energy suppression contributed to the degradation of evolution of Humans. Those who run the world of course secured for themselves to mate with top of the selection. It is in their interest to have the rest of the humans below them.

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