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Chapter 9 – Armageddon Conspiracy book

It is a time to continue with my Road of Trials story. A lot has happened during the time I have been inactive with the blog. I have learned a lot of lessons, most of them in a hard way.

To truly understand what is the message behind a great work, such as Armageddon Conspiracy, a seeker has to dive in, to live this journey. A seeker has to call spiritual forces from beyond, which will eventually commence the process.

The road of trials is in reality meant for every one of us. We as humans were never meant to wait for some kind of saviour / hero, who would do dirty work on our behalf. The purpose of the road of trials is to experience it, and not to appreciate her/his story, sitting in the armchair watching a hero and his struggle on Netflix. Our reality, our Matrix is actually a Netflix, and every one of us has an opportunity to do a hard work and raise eventually at the end. That’s one of the most potent messages I am getting all the time from the Guides. Knowledge is meant to be applied in our real life. Not just to enjoy reading a book and feel victorious when we connect one breadcrumb with another breadcrumb to another puzzle. Guides expect us to perform, they want us to perform. And that's the hard part, because the road is not easy to travel.

People are waiting for Jesus, for Horus, or any other messiah, depending on their belief system. The truth behind these stories is simple, there is a path of evolution we are expected to embrace. These stories are breadcrumbs which have a powerful message for every latent seeker to trigger the journey. In my case, Mike Hockney's book Armageddon Conspiracy was that trigger.

Breadcrumbs reveal a glimpse of what a seeker might expect after getting enough initiations to understand the true meaning of these stories. The final goal is to be united with the Divine Feminine, and that’s my entire purpose.


Before I dive deeper into the Armageddon Conspiracy book let's lay down some foundations. One of the most important principles of our reality is, it is of dualistic nature, it is based on the opposites. It is important to understand these opposites before I continue with my Road of Trials story.

Electricity and water

Let's continue with some easy to understand physics. Opposites are important to set the motion. The first example is electricity. If we would like to get an electric current flowing, we need to ensure a certain difference of polarities, a difference between a negative and positive pole. In the case of electricity, we call this difference a voltage, which is defined as a difference of potentials between a negative and positive poles. Following the famous Ohm law, U = R * I => I=U/R we get a current. Current has a capacity to do a certain work and it flows, meaning we have a motion.

The same applies for a stream of water. Water will flow only if we have a height difference. Height difference introduces a potential energy, defined by the height difference of the water source and height where we measure a flow. Potential energy gets translated into the kinetic energy, again we have a flow of water. Like with electricity, the water in movement carries an kinetic energy, which has a capacity to do a certain work.


Our material reality is expressed through energy. Einstein’s famous equation E=Mc2 is leaves no doubt what mass is. Understanding that c is the speed of light and it is a constant, we can simplify and say, a mass is an energy. Einstein himself on this video explains his formula as, energy and mass are just different manifestation of the same thing.

Another mathematical energy definition defines a relationship between energy and frequency. It is again surprisingly simple to understand equation know from physics:  E = hf, where h denotes a Planck constant and f denotes a frequency. Again we could simplify, E = f or mass is directly related to a frequency.

As above, so below

Opposites are necessary also for the mind domain, which is purely frequency based. One of the important laws of this Universe is As above, so below. People often fail to understand, this Universe has many layers of laws, not only laws of Physics, or Mathematics. It is of utmost importance to embrace and understand these laws, to set our progress in motion. I am going to address some of these laws later in this blog, here I can just briefly mention two of them, Leibnitz principle of sufficient reason and 42 principles of Ma'at. Latter should be well understood by the seekers of the Holy Grail.

By applying "as above so below" rule we can derive, the mind domain also consists of opposites. Once we understand these principles, we can conclude that what is often called a battle between Light and Darkness, or Phosters and Archons is a necessity by design. There is nothing wrong that Darkness exists. Once the entire Universe is going to reach an Omega point, the energy will simply stop to flow, everything will stop, the Universe will reach it”s goal. Omega point is a perfection.

But how this battle between light and darkness reflects in our reality? The war can be seen in several aspects of our reality, but the most important one is, the battle of Light and Darkness is constantly going on within our own minds. And our minds are a part of the creation and can directly influence our experience here on this Planet. Because we live in a patriarchal, monotheistic, retarded society, most would utterly deny this at all costs.


This Matrix is a beautiful Game of massive proportions, where we are players and we are supposed to understand rules if we want to progress. One of the major tricks of dark forces, let’s call them hereinafter Archeons, is denial. By simply denying a non material existence, mathmos, Illuminati 6Di Universe, we are absolutely helpless to get out of this Matrix eventually.

“Dare we risk ignoring a force whose strength lies in the fact that no one will believe Its existence?” – Sean Manchester

We even believe we are alone in this Universe. That’s utterly egoistic claim, even disrespectful for the Universe. Principle of sufficient reason is more than enough to conclude, this Universe is abundant with life. On the material plane and even more on the non material plane. And we are just a part of this huge system, unable to comprehend we are absolutely low on the food chain. Because we deny existence beyond what our five senses can perceive. The truth is, spiritual realm, or ET's are absolutely aware of us, and they use our blindness to take advantage on us. And that is exactly one of the drivers to keep the reality beyond planet Earth and five senses hidden from humanity.

But what is their agenda ? Our thoughts, our feelings, our life force everything's an energy. And energy has a value, it can flow one direction or another. Up to us to decide.

In short, negative thought, negative emotions, that”s what Archaeons want from us. They FED ON US ! And they have a great power to influence our minds, this is how they keep us in shackles, with psychological warfare. When we are negative, this state of mind will reflect in our lives, we will be even more negative. It is a feedback loop, negative thought are going to influence even more negative experience. That’s exactly what Archeon wants. We are a kind of a farm, Human farming or human husbandry to produce Archeon food, negative energy. I am aware how strong this claim is, but that's the truth behind our existence.

Another law of this reality is, ways of Archeons are simple to follow, they appeal to our basic instinct, Archeons are by the design allowed to interfere much more than Phosters can. In short, to escape the shackles of Archeon, a seeker must struggle. Must be worthy of progress, must burn all shit and false knowledge which is preveland in this reality. And that’s not an easy job to do.

Another truth is, all of us are a part of the creation, we are all creators. A prime creator divided itself into countless pieces. What Archeon does is it surrounds as with a veil of darkness. That”s expressed as negativity, inability to kick in a Lorentz attractor, or we are stripped from our ability to feel a beauty behind the veil.

When a seeker truly walks The Road of Trials, after a certain time it gets directly exposed to the full Archeon power. I suppose, before this happens, there is a protection from the Phosters - Lucifer behind the veil in the Armageddon Conspiracy book.

This is when we embark into our inner world also called a shadow. And that’s a fight which is really hard to endure, I’ve written here about sudden massive energy depletion, they feel deadly. The next stage is powerful mind attacks. Sudden experiences of massive negativity never experienced before. In hidden language negative thoughts are often called a "snakes". For example, Horus killed snakes on the spot. When he got infected by physiological warfare, he was able to instantly regain control and kill negative thoughts. A journey to the ascend leads through the Hell quite literally. We are expected to challenge, overpower and control these dark forces with our own Light. And this is why a Hero type of mind is indeed needed. Archeon instantly senses what we are up to and attacks.

When we explore the darkest places of our Mind, we need to firmly keep our goal at the end of the journey / Divine Feminine Love.

"This is Jehovah’s final opportunity to save himself. All of his power is directed against you, trying to bend you to his will. If he can make you wield the Spear of Destiny on his behalf, he’ll destroy the rest of us."

"And Lucifer is behind that curtain trying to stop Jehovah getting into my head, is that it?’ ‘That’s it exactly. He’s using all his psychic energy to protect you. But he’s in the world of his enemy so he’s having to expend vast energy to withstand Jehovah’s power and put a shield round you. It’s producing a devastating effect on him." - Hockney, Mike. The Armageddon Conspiracy (p. 287).

These words are extremely powerful, and reflect well a state of mind under attack:

"Sure, she had a Creator. In fact, she had two, but they were both dead.  First her mother, ravaged by the tumours that spread everywhere inside her, then her father, ravaged just as lethally by despair. He left a suicide note. In the blue was scrawled all down the page in increasingly desperate writing, until the last three words:

Forgive me, Lucy.

What do you do when your creators are dead? They gave your life, but they couldn’t save their own. And they certainly can’t save yours. They’d abandoned her. Nothing made sense any longer. First, you’re created – and the thing about that is that no created thing ever asks to be created – then you’re stuck with it. You’re forced into existence whether you like it or not. The very last thing you’re offered is a choice. And you soon learn there’s only one exit: death. The creators made you knowing how the story must end. And creation is meant to be good?" - Hockney, Mike. The Armageddon Conspiracy (p. 43).

But every seeker at certain stage has to learn to defend her/himself, to control this reality. This stage can also be defined as a spiritual depression. Spiritual depression is a self defence mechanism of Ego which is ruled by Archeon. And that is the part which has to be killed, this is how we kill the negative God controlling us, giving a way to the Light.

That stage can also be called a descent, Inanna’s descent into the underworld. I will write about Inanna’s descent into the underworld later in this blog.

The Road of Trials

My own experience of my present stage of Road Of Trials is it is a kind of a military training. Something is working on me to increase my ability to perform. To kick me brutally from any kind of attachment, or comfort zone. Danger feels real, because the body starts to collapse. Guides would constantly repeat the wisdom, no matter how hard the problem is, there is always a solution, go deep into your being, meditate.

‘Come inside,’ Sinclair said. ‘All the answers are here.’ - Hockney, Mike. The Armageddon Conspiracy (p. 275).

I know I walk The Road of Trials when fragments of Armageddon Conspiracy book stories suddenly started to manifest in my life. This is the only way to decode these stories, to live them. Those who don’t experience unfolding stories in their lives will remain clueless, victims of their own ego.

The Universe uses known archetypes with different fractals. The plot / story unfolds with different actors. Archetypes and fractals are another unknown property of our reality.

"Some stories are archetypal. They have a pattern that repeats over and over again, across different times and cultures. The most archetypal story of all is the Quest for the Holy Grail. It maps almost exactly to what was going on in Judea in the first century CE. ‘In Lucy’s book, she identified Judas as Mordred, Jesus as Arthur, John the Baptist as Merlin, the twelve apostles as the Knights of the Round Table, full of good intentions but suffering from their human limitations. She wasn’t sure about Guinevere. Mary Magdalene, she speculated." - Hockney, Mike. The Armageddon Conspiracy (p. 249).

When we walk The Road of Trials this is what it is going to happen to us. The Universe will map our life with these archetypal stories. We will become an actor, full of good intentions, bet even more suffering from our own limitations. Suddenly we will become humbled by the Mary Magdalene true role, which is spectacular.

Obviously in Armageddon Conspiracy book a wandered is represented by Lucy. “A prophecy says that an innocent fool will find the Spear and cure Amfortas.”

“Amfortas’s incurable wound was the loss of so many souls from heaven to the evil world of matter. He could only be cured by the return of all souls to heaven. The lesson of Parsifal is that only an innocent fool can achieve that, using the Spear of Destiny. The Spear is the key, not the Grail. And…a final point…it’s necessary that blood be shed.’ ‘You think I’m the innocent fool, don’t you?’ Lucy found it hard to look Gresnick in the eye.

Like Lucy (Lucifer), I resist, unable to grasp why I am the part of this story, I have so many limitations, I can’t accomplish this…

Like Lucy I have excellent ability to put pieces of puzzle together, but I struggle to implement this knowledge into my life. Like Lucy, I am a sensitive fool. Spear of Destiny.

Amfortas’s wound reminds on the Egyptian Goddess Isis and Her quest to bring back her lost children.

“The Grail King is called Amfortas and he’s served by the Grail Knights; men who have vowed to protect the Grail with their lives. ‘Their great enemy is Klingsor, a black magician of the highest degree who once tried to join the Grail Knights but was rejected because of his uncontrollable sexual lust. “

Here I can also see a certain similarities with Egyptian mythology about Osiris, Isis and Set and Nephthys. Set - Klingsor lost his ability to control his mind when his wife Nephthys had a love affair with Osiris.

I started to comprehend archetypes such as Amfortans, Klingsor and Grail Castle, because they started to emerge in my life.

“Insanely, Klingsor castrates himself to try to cure his condition, but the Knights still refuse to allow him to join their Order. So, Klingsor becomes their sworn enemy, pledging to do everything to destroy them. ‘The Grail Knights guard the Grail Hallows, including the Spear of Destiny, but Klingsor manages to steal the Spear and later uses it to wound Amfortas in the genitals. It’s a spiritual as well as physical wound that never heals no matter how many medicines are applied to it.”

Klingsor is Grand Archeon, master of magick or YHWH.

“From his dark castle, Klingsor, with the power of the Spear flowing through him, dominates all the lands around. Meanwhile, Amfortas lies in agony in the Grail Castle, tormented by his incurable wound, powerless to resist Klingsor and praying for the return of the lost Spear.”

I couldn’t stress enough how many times the role of women gets suppressed / reversed in our patriarchal society. Sexes are not to be taken for granted.

For example, the role of Mary Magdalene or Medusa is immense, but they have been downplayed on purpose. Story about Jesus is a story of wanderer, Mary Magdalene is a guide, initiatrix. Mary Magdalene represents  embodiment of a Divine Feminine, her prostitute label clearly suggest that, it reminds to the Sacred Courtesan / Holy Whore. Without Divine Feminine ascent is not possible.

It is the same archetypal story  of hero who embarked on a journey to kill the God. And that God is as we can see in the Armageddon Conspiracy - YHWH. Jesus death suggest, he was successful, he was able to overpower YHWH influence on his mind, he killed his own Ego and this is why he was resurrected like Inanna was.

Again, this story is archetypal, and adapted to our patriarchal society. I walk the Road of Trials myself, and I can say, without help of guides, without massive knowledge from the Pythagorean Illuminati books, without the spark of Divine Feminine, I would be nowhere. The sole purpose of this blog is to awaken and inspire as many heroes as possible to walk the same path.

To conclude this post, Amfortas is most likely a woman, Amfortas represents Lucifer and Lucifer is actually a Lucifera / Divine Feminine. Divine Feminine weapon is a Sword, to cut the veil, to destroy what doesn't serve any more. And this is exactly what Grail questor is going to experience.

“And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a Woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under Her feet, and upon Her head a crown of twelve stars!”  – Revelation 12:1


Yes, I do make love with the Devil…it is My son, afterall. 

It needs My touch, lest It becomes a complete Beast.  I don’t make an artificial separation between affection and sexuality the way primitive people often do. 
For I can handle the power involved without becoming corrupted.  I Am its Mother, remember?
So don’t misunderstand and think I Am ‘in-love’ with It. 
From My perspective, your kind of love IS twisted.  Would you rather I let It loose on Mankind?

I Am a Warrior, a Mage… and I carry a Sword.  I will strike it down, destroy it once more. 

And weep over My loss later.
True Love by Ishtar Hawke, Sublime Requiem

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