Chapter 10 – Kardashev scale

One of the most inspiring visionary ideas on how to progress with Civilization 2.0 is a Kardashev scale which measures a technological advancement of a civilization.

Kardashev scale was proposed in 1964 by Nikolai Semenovich Kardashev, a Soviet and Russian astrophysicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and the deputy director of the Astro Space Center of PN Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.

Kardashev defined three levels of civilizations, however new types (0, IV, V, VI) have been later proposed. Original Kardashev scale is based on the order of magnitude of power available to the civilization (source Wikipedia):

 Type I

Technological level of a civilization that is "close to the level presently attained on Earth, with energy consumption at ≈4×1019 erg/sec" (4×1012 watts)

Currently, the civilization of Type I is usually defined as one that can harness all the energy that falls on a planet from its parent star (for Earth–Sun system, this value is close to 1.74×1017 watts), which is about four orders of magnitude higher than the amount presently attained on Earth, with energy consumption at ≈2×1013 watts.

Type II

A civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its own star—for example, the stage of successful construction of a Dyson sphere—with energy consumption at ≈4×1033 erg/sec.

Lemarchand stated this as a civilization capable of using and channeling the entire radiation output of its star. The energy use would then be comparable to the luminosity of the Sun, about 4×1033 erg/sec (4×1026 watts)

Type III

A civilization in possession of energy at the scale of its own galaxy, with energy consumption at ≈4×1044 erg/sec. Lemarchand stated this as a civilization with access to the power comparable to the luminosity of the entire Milky Way galaxy, about 4×1044 erg/sec (4×1037 watts).

 We humans are today at the embarrassing Type 0 level, defined as a civilization which extracts its energy, and raw-materials from crude organic-based sources such as food, wood, fossil fuel.


Kardashev inspired us with a two major directions we should follow :

  • Where to look for the next power source, to obtain an necessary energy to power our civilization,
  • We should aspire to expand into the Universe.

 Therefore, our high level goal is defined, we have to reach a type 1 civilization.  To reiterate, Type 1 harnesses its energy from the energy that falls on the planet from their own star., and that is a renewable type of energy. Our next goal, If we are to reach the Type 2 one day, Kardashev scale demands us to leave the shores of our planet, and expand into to the Universe.

Kardashev scale gently reminds us from where we all came. The Universe is the ultimate answer where we should aspire. We often hear, we are created from the same material than stars. We are tightly connected to the Sun, to our Planet and to our solar system. We are all made of the atoms which belongs to the Planet Earth. The matter of our solar system was created by our Sun. Even position of the planets in our Solar system affect our life as we know from  Astrology.

"A Solar System is simply hydrogen rearranged during 13.8 billion years of cosmic evolution: gravity rearranged hydrogen into stars which rearranged the hydrogen into heavier atoms, after which gravity rearranged such atoms into our planet where chemical and biological processes rearranged them into life." - Max Tegmark, Life 3.0.

Continuous progress

There are many arguments, space travel is too expensive, any change is too expensive. Because a true meaning of life is a constant progress. Either on a personal level or on a level of the entire population. We should always strive to learn, to progress, to improve. We must always fight impossible by making it possible and real. It is a law of the Universe. If we as an individual or as a collective become stagnant, we are literally dying. And at the end, we actually die. To follow a great inspiration is our duty and it is also our purpose.

As Max Tegmark said in his book Life 3.0 life may independently originate in multiple places in our cosmos. In that case, unambitious civilizations simply become cosmically irrelevant, with ever-larger parts of the cosmic endowment ultimately being taken over by the most ambitious life forms. Natural selection therefore plays out on a cosmic scale and, after a while, almost all life that exists will be ambitious life.

If we look back in history, humanity at the early stage was limited to tribal life, and so were their interactions limited to the tribes. Knowledge was localized and kept inside tribes. Latter when trade took over, it influenced an exchange of knowledge and craft between different local regions and cultures. We started to learn from each other and that created a progress.

That is the way how nature is designed. We start with the separation at the deepest level possible, and only latter through the advancement, this fragmented knowledge slowly start to merge together. Now I know, that the final goal leads us back to the source. We started from the perfect all knowing source which divided itself into the countless pieces  of life forms.  Us, among others.

Humanity and a rape culture

Unfortunately regardless of our technological progress, we are still divided on different cultures, races, sexes. Perhaps it is important to note the real importance of social media and internet. It is about destroying those invisible mental walls. On any social media we witness a clash of different beliefs and cultures, because now we are indeed connected at least on the ability to share any information across the globe.

It is still evident how divided we still are. But the present state is inevitable dialectical process, if we want to progress one day. Internet is still relatively new technology. It is necessary to be connected and thus exposed to the diversity, and internet technology plays a major role.

Today we are still very much just like those tribes. As I argued before, in reality we need a common inspiration to progress, dialectical process simply needs to be directed to one long term goal. And one of the goals is a Kardashev scale. Those left without inspiration are never going to find a way.

Once we are going to be exposed to the other life forms of this Universe, we will get our mirror. Today we still believe in our supremacy, simply because we have a power to destroy everything around us. Our western belief system, inherited from the Roman civilization is, that we should conquer the material world by force. Western civilization has a rapist's mind set, it want's to rape the nature, the Planet. This rapist's mindset is also clearly visible in our society and how men on power use their influence to "conquer" & rape womanhood. One of the perfect examples is a Netflix documentary about once a famous yoga teacher.

By doing this, a pathetic and sick mindset developed a belief system, it is above all others. This is how the feeling of supremacy was conceived. Today we can still witness the supremacy feeling on the other levels, such as patriarchy, women rape culture, racism, hunters killing the innocent and beautiful animal kingdom and taking selfies with corpses with the corpses of magnificent killed animals.

Of course pathetic humanity have long forgotten some of the missing laws of the Universe. One is called a force of creation, or restoration, and another is called as a force of destruction. Force of destruction is there to destroy what doesn't serve the purpose any more. And it is already triggered. Because we don"t serve the purpose any more.

I can see several evidences things rapidly started to change. Let me list a few examples.

Women slowly started to take over the world:

We have several women on the top of the fortune 500 companies, such as General Motors, IBM, Oracle, SAP, HP, Xerox, Pepsi, Morgan Stanley, etc.

Several top executives from the polluting car industry corporations, such as VW, Audi, Renault Nissan were litralary obliterated and jailed. To give way to the e-mobility. It is incredible how ultimately powerful German car industry sector, suddenly turned around and started their attempt to catch up with Tesla with huge investments.  VW, embarrassed by the epic fraud scandal leading the pack.

MeToo movement against the rapist's culture. Several people on power were jailed.

This is just the beginning. At the time I am writing this chapter, Covid virus just started to destroy our predatory capitalism, and I would assume it'll rightfully wipe out some of the people of power, which are epic disgrace of a human race. I am really curious how everything is going to unfold,

Technological progress

Technology is often perceived as something against the nature. We couldn't be more wrong. Technology is a natural phenomena, it is an important evolutionary step, which will eventually give rise to a transhumanism, how to overcome a human as we know it today. We are souls "wearing" a human form. It is in the interest of Soul to progress. And technology is a way to go.

A problem is that a technology is a double edged sword. It can raise us to the level of Gods, or it can destroy us. We are behind the helm, technology is just waiting to get discovered and to be used. This is one of the many tests we are expected to master while incarnated.

A progress is always a step by step process. We can not make a quantum leaps. But once we conquered a certain step we are required to proceed to the next one, else we die. Every step comes with the time bomb. It is like our life, we have about 80 years to figure out who we are and what is our purpose. If we don't, we die and recycle and here we go again with the different script to see if we have learned lessons or not.

Our fire burning step has expired long ago. It is OK we discovered a piston steam engines, a piston engines, a diesel engines, jet engines.  But now it is a time for electric cars which would harness energy as defined by a Type 1 civilization. And even more ambitious goal would be to replace ancient bernoulli law based airplanes with the anti-gravity flying devices which are unfortunately kept hidden from normal humans.

After a predatory capitalism will get destroyed we should strive to create our civilisation which would follow ambitious dreams, but always aligned with the rest of the creation. We should advance, but we should also seek to invent a technology which would not destroy a precious ecosystem of the Planet. How to accomplish this ? To put women in charge, they should have the power to decide what is good for us an not. And where to invest our energy to create a beneficial technology.

I am returning again to the Egyptian wisdom and a delicate relationships between Osiris and Isis on the one side, and Seth and Nephthys on the other side. In a predatory capitalism of today we are witnessing an ultimate imbalance, as women were pushed away. And this is why I always promote trends to give power women. To restore this balance is the only way.


Another paradigm I personally advocate in my Concordia project is so called lean principle. It is all about how to apply lean principle, which should become a rule or even a virtue of our civilisation:

"Project Concordia is all about the basic principle, how to help manifest idea into physical manifestation in a way, which is as lean as possible through entire cycle of transformation from idea to manifestation of a product. 

Project Concordia is about to empower a human collective to manifest their ideas without wasting energy and resources into the purposeless brain dead activities. It is about we, it connect the individual human skills into the new whole, rather disconnects. Project Concordia is a platform which adds an important layer, enabling humanity to live more in tune with the Creation.


There are so many purposeless jobs in western civilisation it is almost incredible. Their sole purpose is to make life to those with ideas miserable. Because modern society creates jobs just to keep people busy with something. 

Most human interactions in the business chain create delays, inefficiency, misinterpretations and mistakes. Moreover, tons of human interactions with emails, telephone calls. 

Paradigm to invent and create purposeless jobs proved to have devastating consequences, bureaucracy and rigid minds locked in their narrow and purposeless perception of this beautiful world in eternity. The whole concept is as far it can get from lean product idea I personally respect and defend."

Dear reader, I have a question for you. What do you prefer, to feed a Wall Street gang and ilks, or to dream big ?  A project Concordia is about let us dream big and join forces to make this dream happen. Why not build an Enterprise space ship from Star Trek ? Why not to embark to other places of the cosmos ? Why not seek our place among other inhabitants of cosmos ? Why not create a civilization where everybody could live her/his life without a constant survival fight ? Latter is for me another benchmark how successful we are. Do we have to struggle and fight just to survive? We are embarrassing at the moment and it is something we must overcome.

I got inspired by a lean principle from the Manufacturing industry. Lean Management is a principle-driven, a tool based philosophy that focuses on eliminating waste so that all activities/steps add value from the customer’s perspective. Here I found another description on the

Lean is a system, method, school of thought, and even a way of life, all focused on reducing waste. Although it’s usually applied to manufacturing (hence “lean manufacturing principles”), the methods to achieve it can be used to reduce waste while maintaining high quality no matter what operation you’re running. Some of the core Lean manufacturing principles are:

  • Eliminate waste
  • Kaizen (continuous improvement)
  • Respect human elements
  • Quality built-in
  • Poka-Yoke (mistake proofing)
  • Jidoka (detecting defects through automation)


I see lean idea as an philosophy which is not only limited to the manufacturing topics. Eliminating waste feels like destroying what doesn't serve the purpose any more. In my opinion an overproduction we are witnessing today belongs to the waste elimination topic. Creation of the artificial needs for something we actually don't need is a waste production. It should be eliminated. Products designed to be replaced after one year are a waste creation. Brein dead jobs, just to pay the bills to survive is a waste production. Every human should have a right to live, to learn , to have a health system, food by default. And technology should provide this.

To summarize, Kardashev scale Type 1 civilization is one of our ultimate goals. We are very privileged to have between us one very special indigo who decided to push us that way single handed, with his own money, Elon Musk. And I am going to talk about him in one of my next posts.


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