The Lake Of Fire

Azazel guarding the Lake of Fire

Lake of fire is a well known occult and religious concept. In this blog I am going to explain in a non bulshit language what Lake of Fire truly means from my own experiences. What are the dangers and what are the potential benefits. 

Purpose in this blog is aligned with the purpose of the entire website, to help somebody who would like to try. I am not the master, I am not the guru, even I am not someone who successfully passed this experience yet. I am rather someone who still painfully burns in this lake without any idea how this experience is going to end. 

I am rather just another truth seeker with enough courage, and just enough of understanding to know, the only way to gain wisdom and understanding is through experiencing it. I don’t really accept the notion, no you should never try, it is bad, etc. 

For this reason, this blog in particular is going to reveal more about my personal side. Every lake of fire experience is different, my experience is unique to me, to my state of mind, to my purpose, to my hidden fears. But revealing more about myself might help fellow truth seekers to align my experiences with their own. 

Most of my life I would ridicule anybody talking about magick and occult in general. Or religion. I started to experiment with black magick after I got a suggestion to do so from my guides. I instantly accepted the idea, because one of motivations to become a truth seeker has been to validate what is behind my powers to manifest certain changes or desires. Even with today’s knowledge and experiences with black magick, these powers were staggering. I could get manifested just by the ability to focus with all my mental power of my mind exceptional things, within a two week period. To give you an idea what I could manifest. One example is to get a new wife 2 weeks after my divorce. We are still together after 10+ years. Or to get an exceptionally well paid job on the executive level - the owner called me if I would accept his offer. I could manifest material things, like a yacht I could never imagine I could ever afford.  I called these powers complex experience requests. Today I would call them differently, perhaps the law of attraction. 

It is probably obvious, despite several challenges, my life has been in many ways privileged. Most of the time I was in an executive or expert position, with several perks as a result. I would say I was an upper level middle class, by no means rich. Perhaps it was never my intention to become rich, I was looking more for all kinds of experiences. From adrenaline sports, traveling around, deep dive into interesting technology trends, my own safe harbour. Those things mattered to me. What I desired I was able to manifest.  

Just when I started to dive deeper into the occult, working with my guides, I wrote a document of a story of my life where I praised my life experiences. I wrote I could die this day and I would feel fulfilled and grateful for the guidance and experience I had during my entire life time. 

Lake of Fire definition

In Wikipedia we find the following definition “The idea appears in ancient Egyptian and Christian religion as a place of after-death punishment of the wicked. The phrase is used in five verses of the Book of Revelation. In the biblical context, the concept seems analogous to the Jewish Gehenna, or the more common concept of Hell. The image of the lake of fire was taken up by the early Christian Hippolytus of Rome in about the year 230 and has continued to be used by modern Christians.”

When I first stumbled upon this concept, dabbling in black magick, I somehow felt an attraction accompanied by the utter misunderstanding what it is all about. Occult grimoires are often written in a cryptic language, but still, I was somehow attracted to the idea and curiosity of what this concept truly means. 

I stumbled upon Azazel, one of the most feared spirits, often associated with the Devil himself. What attracted me was that he is supposed to teach humans the forbidden knowledge. And as a truth seeker this is something that I deeply revered. The spirit teaching humans knowledge can not really be a bad spirit. I didn’t accept that any knowledge should be forbidden. Today I better understand why certain wisdom should indeed be kept hidden from most of the population. Azazel is among other things also known as a gateway to the Lake of Fire. 

Studying magick I soon decided to follow EA Koetting. He was different from other occult teachers, his approach seemed to me less non bulshit. I bought all his video teachings, books, I even booked one phone convo with him. 

Nevertheless, this is his video which triggered my deep curiosity about what is behind his experiences I couldn’t understand. 

How to trigger the Lake of Fire experience? 

My understanding is, this is not going to happen with the simple ritual like the press of the button. As we dive deeper into the occult, we better connect and activate our subconscious mind to align with the immense unformed intelligence behind the Veil. Nietzche said, “if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you”. With other words, when we start to think about the abyss, we activate the abyss to focus back on us. Important to understand is, there is an intelligence of immense proportions on the other side. We can’t trick it, because it can see through ourselves, it can read us as an open book. It also gauges us, before the decision is made to activate the process. 

I performed different actions which could lead to the Lake of Fire experience commencement. Perhaps the most important and the most powerful one was in the form of my complex experience request. I had a very powerful ability (yes, past tense) to focus my mind before my sleep. One day I requested a transformation. Another day I requested to understand the Universe. 

Another action was several, I mean several attempts to invoke Azazel with the purpose of bathing in the Lake of Fire. Yes, I was a very ignorant fool completely unaware what I am asking for. But it felt cool. I got a warning from the guides, be careful what you are asking for, you might get it. Brave in my ignorance is confirmed 1000 times, yes I want to bathe in the Lake of Fire. 

Perhaps another important piece of this puzzle is if there is something useful in us that we could contribute to the cause. If we are worth investment. I did several things, promises, pacts. Occult practitioners have to take these pacts extremely seriously. 

So my wish has been granted, and so my bathe in the Lake of Fire started...

Lake of Fire experience

So what is really a lake of fire? Well, I’ve triggered the Universe, or some part of the Universe represented as Azazel, to interfere with my entire life experience. Things started to manifest gradually. Changes. More and more I became aware I have been losing control over my life, my life is being controlled and directed to somewhere. Not sure where. In black magick we would usually say to Godhood. 

Before I was able to manifest exceptional changes in my favor, this has been taken away from me. I can perhaps create some minor influences. Minor compared to what I have been able to create before. What I observe is, if I want to help others, effects might still be considerable. Even breathtaking. At this moment I would like to make a statement. 

I talk a lot here about LHP, black magick. I even talk about some successes. Before my Lake of Fire experience started, I manifested crazy things. Always trying to help others. 

But by no means I see myself as a black magician. I am rather somebody brave enough to be a guinea pig for the sake of truth seker knowledge. My present day assessment is, by diving deeper into LHP I rather lost my inborn abilities which were by far greater than what I have now. Again with the exception when I deploy LHP to help others. 

What else happened is indeed a miracle. Within two years I lost my job, I lost considerable savings, I even lost my house. Before I was the owner of the house, no debts, and a proud and confident supporter of my family. All gone, I am basically broke. 

I lost my status, I even lost my health. Everything started with sudden and severe energy deplatoins. Followed by sudden and undiagnosable pains. I visited all kinds of doctors, I invested in 50 physiotherapy sessions. All in vain. Physiotherapist told me, certain regions are literally fighting back under her pressure, or touch. She told me my body is in extreme run and fight mode - cortisol. Probably because my body went into the panic mode due to the energy depletion. I couldn't sit, I couldn't drive a car. I was on sick leave for a month, trying my best to recover in nature.  

To make experience even more painful (this is what burning in fire allegory truly means) challenges manifest in parallel. I will never forget, I had to live my country to find a new job and on the day I said farewell to my wife, I sat in the car with the extreme pain, with no energy and I drove with several stops, with all kind of pillows supporting me, 400 miles away to my new country to start with my new employer. I could hardly hide my problems before my employer, I had to go to bed at 6:00pm to recover for the next working day. 

The purpose of the Lake of Fire

Pain is the only way we can reshape our own Mind. To Immense in real life experiences which we fear trains us to overcome this fear. If we don’t respond in a proper way, experience is going to repeat, until we don’t master it. Bathing in the Lake of Fire means literally that we need to dive into our worst fears. Not into the real fire of course, it is about diving into our fears which suddenly start to manifest in our lives. This process generates a lot of pain and suffering and perhaps this is why it is called a Lake of Fire. Dive into the pure pain and master it at the end. 

The specific of this process driven by an exceptional intelligence is, we are faced with fears we were completely unaware of their existence. And that’s another frightening discovery. 

What I learned from my guides is, one of the goals of these experiences is to discover our breaking point. How much shit in our lives we can handle. How we are going to respond. Will panic overcome us or we will find our ways back. Will we remain loyal in our journey or we will simply collapse. 

Looking to my past, I have been in this process for more than two years now, changes in my mind are immense. Some of them are frightening. Shouldn’t be a surprise, we are literally dying, we are not the mindset we were before. 

It is also frightening, because the more I am a part of this process, the more I understand how far from my goal I am. 

On the other hand, understanding and knowledge I am gaining along the way is staggering. Knowledge thirst was my motivation to dive into this journey.  The options I see for the future, if I survive this process are incredible. 

Although I don’t expect my life is going to become easy, quite the opposite. With full honesty, I believe many of us who dare to immerse ourselves into the black magick, literally dare Gods, dream about easy life, about effortlessly mastering this reality. This is not what I have discovered. And this was another pain and dissatisfaction, my naive dreams about easy life were shattered. I was forced to search for other motivations. Guides placed new motivations and at first they seemed alien to me. More and more I am getting accustomed to accept them. Now I would say, they were already part of me, I was just not really aware of them. 

The Road of Trials vs The Lake of Fire

When I started to write my blog my understanding was I walk the road of trials. Now I am talking about the Lake of Fire which seems to be similar process in many ways. The difference I see today is, almost every of us experience The Road of Trials in our life. When things go terribly wrong, something major happens in our life which completely eradicates our past and opens new opportunities to us. We all have an opportunity to play hero in this grand game and kill all dragons seemingly working against us. If we fight and find hidden power and potential in us. This happens to us unexpectedly, it is just a part of our lives. 

I am going to list a few notable examples of what I would call an epic Road of Trials journey. Of course, there are many other stories like this. 

The first one is Monica Lewinsky. It is a humbling experience to hear her side of the story. It is a story of a young naive 22 year old girl which suddenly becomes a weapon in greedy and exceptionally political games which couldn’t care less for the damage done to one young woman. 

Just because one mistake, we ALL do them all the time, she made as a 22 years old girl, her entire life shattered to pieces. I must be honest, the first intuitive thought when I hear her name is Clinton or a blowjob. To hear her story it was a kind of revelation to me, a sudden awareness about disgusting patriarchal patterns demonizing a woman and turning a joung life with all the potential in her into a scapegoat, destroying her in ritualistic ways.

Another example is the story of Turia Pitt. The title of the video I am sharing is Life Is So Precious (The Whole World Needs To Hear This!). I can’t agree more with this title.

The Lake of Fire has a different goal, a Goodhood of practitioner. It is a spiritual experience, it is a process about alchemy which primarily focuses on our Mind to master and unite it with our body. For me it is a process to discover the ultimate, the Holy Grail. 

What practitioner learns is - Mind is All. The Lake of Fire is triggered by practitioners, if intelligence on the other side accepts us as worthy to invest their energies into our growth. 

In a way it is a similar experience as with Neo in The Matrix movie. Traveler becomes aware about The Matrix and has difficulty to believe what she/he is experiencing. Full magickal abilities can only be unlocked by full trust and control of their own mind which gets compromised as the process starts. Our thoughts are way less private as we may be willing to admit, once the Lake of Fire process starts, they are even less private. It is crucial to find ways to control depression and lack of energy. 

I have experienced a massive “Road of Trials” type of experience 15 years ago. Everything shattered to pieces, even my health, I still feel the consequences. However what remained intact was my own life force and determination to overcome the problems. I never even thought I would not succeed. In Lake of Fire, in addition to immense parallel challenges, the main issue is incredible lack of energy accompanied with a depressed and chaotic mind. Suddenly I am having difficulties concentrating. My daily tasks, my work, with my normal energy levels I would accomplish everything with ease. With energy depletion and a chaotic mind things have gotten extremely difficult. But I fight and I hardly accomplish what I am expected to do. 

Meaning that with Lake of Fire traveler needs to find his own ways to control his mind. With a weak mind, we will expire an epic backfire with magick. It is just my hypothesis, when we dive into the Lake of Fire, we are way better connected to the universe in a good or a bad way. Our power to manifest gets stronger. But if we have chaos in our mind, that’s what we are going to manifest. 

When we are in this situation, it is not magick it is going to help us. We are on our own to find weapons to get under control. Magick will assist to open the opportunities, to get the information. But it is a seek who needs to walk the path, not spirits. 

The right approach is to internalize a wisdom we can get from different renowned life coaches. Obviously the most famous one is Tony Robbins. I couldn't recommend him more. 

Personally I am a fan of the high quality content on the Impact Theory YouTube channel by Tom Bilyeu. And this is perhaps the best straight to the point video we can ever get:


To summarize, The Lake of Fire actually transforms our Mind and Body.

Of course we are not going to fly like Neo in The Matrix, flying in the esoteric has always been an allegory. And The Matrix is a highly esoteric movie abundant with seeker triggers.

Why it is so difficult? My take is, when we manifest by ourselves a relatively simple goal which can be delivered in weeks, month or even a year. This is a rather straightforward process without much pain. However when we are too bold, elated on the first results with dabbling and gaining some understanding about the world behind the Veil, we declare in all our ignorance fearlessly we want a Goodhood. And than Guides would say, careful what you wish for, you might get it.

When this happens the Universe simply performs a gap analysis between as-is state and to be state. Which is of course a gap of epic proportions. And the process start by removing what is holding us back and straightening, gaining skills we need to accomplish the given plan.

Where it gets scary is we are absolutely unaware of our heading, because the Universe is guiding us to the goal which we are not aware of. This is why we feel lost, somebody else took over the controls. It is like we are suddenly an airplane passenger trying to survive an epic thunderstorm. All we can do is to trust the pilot and hold our breath.

Do I recommend experience to others? Absolutely! if the reader feels triggered by the Lake Of Fire, dive! I would particularly recommend the experience to the young people. Don't get brainwashed by mainstream dogma. There is a reason why it is like this, The Matrix movie provides several quite accurate cluses. To have a cosmic guidance to the best possible version of ourselves is more than a lottery win.

In my case, I am already an old person, it is increasingly difficult to survive the experience. Those who are not young enough should be more careful.

"Let Me shake your old world apar and pour you into a new mold" - IshtarHawke


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