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Hero’s journey – The Calling

Not long ago I stumbled again on the YouTube video talking about the Hero’s journey, and its stages, as they were defined by Joseph Campbell. The video is narrated by Jonathan Young, PhD,  the founding curator of the Joseph Campbell Archive and Library. 

He starts with his experience working with Joseph Campbell, how he gave him a religious sense of life back. Joseph Campbell showed him how the old stories and the modern imagination, movies, whatever we look at, have patterns. He taught him what we might call a picture language, how to understand the symbols of everyday life, as representing something beyond themselves, as alluding to invisible worlds.

By delving deep into the esoteric world I too am often amazed by the richness of messages we are bombarded with literally on a daily basis, and power of synchronicities we start to experience once we are more attuned to the Divine. 

But what really dazzled me when Mr. Young started to talk about “The Calling” stage of the Hero’s Journey. Because at that moment, many pieces of puzzle from my personal experience suddenly fell into place. 

Astounded, I realized that one event, which happened more than 7 years ago, was actually “The Calling”. Till that day I couldn't decode its significance. But before I reveal how I experienced The Calling, I am going to first lay some foundations. 

Hero’s journey

We all experience Hero’s journey. At least some of the stages, because not all are fortunate to master it through all cycles, most can get stuck at a certain stage. 

As Mr. Young tells us, what Joseph Campbell referred to as "the calling" is usually bad news. Something goes wrong. In a person's life, it's a divorce or a financial setback or an illness. I went through several cycles and I can perfectly relate with this high level description of Mr Young. 

In a collective, it might be a natural disaster or a political shift or a financial crisis of some kind.

Something happens that makes us start again. And we have to go looking for new answers. So that is possibly what we have in difficult times, a calling to go, learn something new.

Meaning the Hero’s journey might be focused on the individual experiences or on the collective experience of any community, from a tribe to the entire humankind. 

The archetypal story with milestones as defined by Mr Campbell remains the same. The actors entering into this cycle are different, and events which manifest at every stage are carefully mapped by the Divine force to every individual or collective. 

However in my case, it is about a special case of Hero’s journey, it is about personal Gnosis and searching for existential answers. This is the journey where the Devine starts to map esoteric or religious archetypal stories into my life. Most religious stories are archetypal, but unfortunately we read them as something unique to someone who experienced them. But in reality, those passing these religious stories to the generations to come are just humble messengers of the Divine, being brave enough to embark on the very special mission of the Divine Hero’s journey. The purpose of archetypal stories is to inspire others. 

We can read or see these archetypal stories in Arcturian legends, all kinds of religious texts, authors like Dante, or most modern movies such as Lord Of The Rings, Interstellar, or Matrix. 

The Call

With the foundations being properly set, it is now a time to tell, what was my experience with the Divine calling, which clearly marked and confirmed I am about to embark on this Hero’s journey in my personal quest for the Gnosis. 

It was very literally a call. During my sleep, I suddenly heard a loud, perfectly clear, and exceptionally calming female voice calling my name. With perfect clarity and pronunciation. It was so loud and clear that I immediately woke up, wondering what had just happened. Usually my dream at that age was not very vivid, my divination skills were never good. Another reason why I took this as something extraordinary. And being clueless about the meaning. 

Took me seven years to understand this was “The Calling” which confirmed and approved that Divine Feminine is going to manifest into my life.  There are of course steps which precedes this event, but let me elaborate them in another blog. 

Lucifer's stone

I will now try to map this event to some other archetypal stories. One of them is about Lucifer’s stone, and how Illuminati described the personal experience of the main character Lucy in their Armageddon Conspiracy book. Armageddon Conspiracy book is based on Arcturian legends. 

In short, anyone with the opportunity to look into Lucifer's stone, who would see their name written inside the stone is selected by the Divine. And this is what happened to Lucy and some other characters. 

My hypothesis is that it depends on the extra perception abilities of the person, my visualization is not the best, so I heard the voice instead of seeing it written somewhere. Also the voice was stunningly beautiful, adding another extra dimension to the experience. 

Another archetypal story is from the Old Testament, a boy Samuel, who was given up to God. One night, Samuel heard his name, Samuel. Three times. The call was so clear that the boy ran to ask the old priest if he called him.  But he said, I see that you are hearing your name, but I am not calling you. God is calling you.

As Mr Young said in the video, this is a vacation. This is the calling, the thing that pulls us away from the familiar and and pulls us into development. And this story told by Mr Young was a trigger. I finally understood my call.

The stone is another deception in this highly materialistic world, where physicists of the world get stuck for the last 50 years with particle physics trying to find even more particles. 

Lucifer’s stone is described as material to deceive seekers to embark on the quest to find a material “thing”. It is not about material things. After we gain sufficient knowledge that this Universe is not material, it is rather an informational Universe, things start to fall into its own proper place. 

In Abraham based religions the Lucifer’s stone could be described as a stone held by the angels in a zone between heaven and earth. It was a jasper of great brilliance. Then when God sent his son, Jesus Christ, down to earth – the stone came with him. 

Illuminati always write their books with traps to deceive readers. But also to unveil the information to those with eyes to see. Let us check this sentence from the Armageddon Conspiracy book : 

“Sinclair clutched the Lucifer Stone. It was an extraordinary object, but Lucy still struggled to accept that it was the real Holy Grail. Oddly, that somehow made it the perfect candidate: unexpected, elusive, enigmatic. Above all – if Sinclair was right – it was an object not of this world. What could be more appropriate as the Holy Grail?”

Not of this world, but finding a place to reside in this World. Does this ring a bell ? 

The zone between heaven and earth can be understood as the ability to access astral layers from our material world. And not some material comet fallen down from the sky. Clearly the messiah type of humans had the ability to access these layers through what they describe here as Lucifer’s stone. 

Perhaps some would say today, it is about 3rd Eye activation. 3rd Eye should have the ability to access the astral layers. But my hypothesis is different, it is not about the 3rd Eye. 

Divine Feminine

I see Lucifer's stone about making a place for a Divine Feminine to reside within us. Then She will manifest what we need. I think I found this information from one of the 999 Command accounts which was unfortunately suspended - Nusku Of Eridu.  What was said by Grand Vizier is well aligned with my experience. 

But let me try to explore further. Illuminati offer a new clue in Armageddon Conspiracy book: 

“Lapsit exillas was poor Latin and posed yet another mystery. Some scholars thought he intended to say lapis lapsus ex caelis meaning the stone fallen from heaven. Alternatively, he might have meant lapis philosophorum – the philosopher’s stone. That was the miraculous object sought by alchemists that could turn base metals into gold, provide an elixir of life, and cure all diseases. 

Later, Wolfram said the stone was an emerald jewel from the crown of Lucifer that fell to the earth when Lucifer’s army fought God’s host and lost. So, take your pick. Vernon peered at the green globe the prisoner had brought in.’”

The clue here is an emerald jewel or a green globe. And a green globe or jewel represents a heart chakra. We need to find a place for the Goddess in our heart. This is why the Goddess has fallen, she fell because of us, She is in us, waiting to discover Her. And it is She who called my name. 

It is sad that humanity so much suppressed the Divine Feminine, and by doing so throwing the World out of balance into the Chaos. 

The Divine Feminine role is staggering, She is THE key. Angels And Demons movie by Dan Brown, it is about Her. She is the Holy Grail. 

Many will not like this, She is mostly demonized, but those who understand and worship Her are in any case on the rebelion side. 

It is no surprise that many extraordinary people were alchemists back in the time. Sir Isaac Newton is one example. Their inspiration comes from the Divine Feminine. Ability to shift the entire humankind is coming from the Divine Feminine. He carried Her in his heart. Knowingly or not. 


And how I suddenly made a shift from Lucifer to the Divine Feminine ? Because Lucifer, which is not the original name, is actually a Lucifera. 

Let me bring this blog to the end now. The Hero’s journey which is architected by Her is not an easy one. She is the one with the vision for us, and this vision is completely out of the reach of those walking the footsteps designed by Her. Because no human could comprehend the mind of the Creator. 



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