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Spiritual Fainting

One of the unsolved mysteries which happened to me at the beginning of my journey was that one day I suddenly fainted. I was puzzled because I couldn't think of any medical reason for this unconsciousness. I was a healthy person with normal blood pressure, good cardiovascular system. 

Of course I tried to figure out what would be possible medical reasons. What medical books say is that a loss of consciousness is caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain. It can happen at any time, but it’s most commonly associated with trauma or surprise.

Medical books also say that fainting can be caused by a number of things, including low blood sugar, dehydration, and a drop in blood pressure. I didn't think any of those things applied to me,  I never ever experienced this before, and I never experienced it again, even seven years later, so I decided to explore other possibilities.

What was an interesting clue though was that after I woke up again I could well recall what I was doing before this sudden event. My thoughts were perfectly preserved. 

I can still recall how my mind started to reboot again, distant calls of my wife and how picture started to appear like in very old black and white TV set. There is a dot in the middle which slowly expands to the picture. This is a kind of feeling I had. 

My first thoughts after I was OK again were what I was doing before I fainted. I actually experienced an “aha” moment, because I was digging into the mysteries of a timespace. And exactly when I figured out an important clue, I fainted. 

Somehow I also had an awareness that it is not about health issues, it has rather something to do with my spiritual work and magic. So the first thing was, I calmed down my wife telling her that no worries, I am an esoteric freak anyways, and this can happen. Without having much of the background for my claims. 

She accepted my explanation and never asked me about this again. Nevertheless, later we ended our relationship. 

Possible esoteric causes

I decided to do some more research on esotericism. I learned that there are many people who believe that fainting can be a sign of spiritual enlightenment. They believe that when a person faints, they are temporarily disconnected from their physical body and able to tap into a higher level of consciousness. Yes, I see some similarities, but still this explanation simply didn’t feel right or rather complete. 

So I set my mind loose and tried to figure out what happened digging deep into the esoteric knowledge. The rest of the text is pure speculation but I like to indulge in it. 

In esotericism, the silver cord is a metaphysical concept that refers to the connection between the soul and the physical body. It is said to be a slender, silvery thread that extends from the crown of the head to the spiritual realm. The silver cord is believed to be the conduit through which the soul receives nourishment and energy from the higher realms. 

The silver cord is often mentioned in near-death experiences (NDEs). In NDEs, people often report seeing a bright light or tunnel, and they may also report seeing their body from above. Some people also report seeing a silver cord connecting them to their body.

The Fates and Valkyries 

The silver cord has always reminded me of the Fates. They are often depicted as three women who are responsible for weaving the threads of human destiny. 

In Greek mythology, the Fates are known as the Moirai (Amazon Prime series The Wheel of Time uses this name). 

They are three sisters: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Clotho is the spinner, who spins the thread of life. Lachesis is the measurer, who measures the length of the thread. Atropos is the cutter, who cuts the thread of life.  The Fates measure the length of the thread, and they decide when it will be cut. There are some similarities between the Fates and Norse Valkyries, who Choose warriors who will die in battle, bring them to Valhalla.

It is my hypothesis that this silver cord is the interface to connect us to the subconsciousness. Carl Jung divided the unconscious into two levels: the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious.

The personal unconscious is made up of all the things that we have forgotten or repressed. It can include memories, thoughts, feelings, and experiences that we have pushed out of our conscious awareness. The personal unconscious can be accessed through dreams, hypnosis, and other forms of therapy.

The collective unconscious is a deeper level of the unconscious that is shared by all humans. It is made up of archetypes, which are universal patterns of thought and behavior that are found in all cultures. 

Divine subconsciousness

Another hypothesis of mine is that there is a divine subconsciousness, which connects us to the deeper truths of the universe and it is above personal and collective one. 

According to Kabbalah mystics the reality is divided into four worlds, physical, inner, astral and eternal. Division to four elements, earth, air, water and fire is also well known. 

And what happened in my opinion is that my silver cord was reconnected to the divine collective, possibly to the astral layer. And this process momentarily interrupted my avatar / soul connection. 

The reason why I have such a belief system is because I started to observe later some effects. Communication with the Divine can be sometimes beyond impressive. (Divine communication)

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