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Initial steps to the spiritual journey

Initial steps to the spiritual journey


My serious gnosis journey started during the pre-Christmas days, 2014. I can’t even believe it was already so long ago. But it feels even longer, because of the intensity of my experience.

As always during this period, I tried to disconnect from the daily mundane activities and problems, and dive deep into the world of thoughts I still like so much. Trying to ponder different existential questions and unveil secrets of the Universe.

Years before this 2014 pre-Christmas time I have been deeply exploring different New Age currents, or even before I have been a curious ET conspiracy fan, trying to search for the ways how to unlock their technology, in particular I was curious about anti-gravity propulsion. Somehow, I have this intuition that I can find the answers here on the planet Earth.


 It was this time when I would play with my mind just before I would go to sleep. I would focus rather extreme energy behind my third eye area, it felt as if I would explode, and push into the Universe different asks or questions. One interesting experience was when I was curious about my soul origin and I asked this question. Next morning when I would wake up, I would get an answer, loud and clear – Andromeda.  Just like that. It echoed loud and clear in my mind a few times.

Being proud and excited about this answer a few days later, I still don’t understand how and why, extremely powerful thought has been planted into my mind and I simply echoed it by using exactly the same procedure as to get my soul origin answer. I asked: “I wanted to create my own universe; I want to understand the Universe”.  Level of my personal energy contained in this thought was insane. My eyes were literally popping out.

Without being aware at the time, a few days later I started to get curious about Illuminati. My curiosity felt nothing special, they have always been a part of the myth around different conspiracy theories, and I have to admit, I have been a conspiracy theorist for quite a while.

Also, Dan Brown with his Angels and Demons, or perhaps Indiana Jones certainly contributed to my curiosity about Illuminati and all stories behind such as the Holy Grail quest or trying to decode the mysteries.  In particular, mystery decoding has been my specialty. Putting different pieces of the puzzle together. I can say I have always been a seeker, a truth seeker.


 So, I made a decision to unveil the mysteries behind secretive Illuminati and I ordered two different books. One proved to be fake. However, exactly for the New Year 2015 I got a gift, my second book which changed my life since then. Armageddon Conspiracy by Mike Hockney.

Mike Hockney authored several amazing books called God Series, and the author claimed this would be Illuminati secret knowledge made available to the public. To be fair, at the same time I ordered another Illuminati book with the title: “The Illuminati '' also authored by Mike Hockney together with Adam Weishaupt. Nevertheless, the Armageddon Conspiracy book remains to this day something special and at the same time one of the most important puzzles I want to solve.

At the time I was unaware, but today, 8.5 years later, I know, the Armageddon Conspiracy book was a wild response from the Universe after I asked Her to help me understand Her mysteries, how to create my own Universe and how to understand it.

When I started to read Armageddon Conspiracy I was soon enchanted. It is written in a way to deeply trigger the truth seeker mindset. It is about conspiracy theories about Nazis, about the quest to find the Holy Grail and full of religious and esoteric hints. At that time I would be annoyed by any religious texts, because I deeply despised the official Church. But somehow, I got curious about Gnosticism and Knights Templar, perhaps because they were portrayed as adversaries to the established system of the Church. Knights Templar and Gnostics play a prominent role in this book.

As I was an extreme atheist, I never heard about Gnosticism, I would just be aware of the main Global religions. And before I read this book I would rather associate Knight Templars with the Catholic Church.

The Church

 There are several reasons behind my contempt for the Church. When I was a young teenager religious people simply felt as uneducated relics who oddly survived to this day. Perhaps the fact I was raised in a communist country also contributed to this view.

When I was about 16-year-old I read the Bible in pictures and in my opinion, the content was not much different than Hans Christian Andersen stories for small children.

At the latter teenager stage, it happened I fell in love with a girl with quite an extreme religious background, her family was deeply devoted and Church going. I was naïve, and I saw no obstacle in this. For me it was simple, this is her preference and mine is quite different.

But rather soon I would realize that people of religion are quite non-inclusive. What they preach is not how they act. My girlfriend would of course drag me to the Church on a couple of occasions. I felt like I was in a madhouse.

Of course, my relationship didn’t last long, but it has an influence on my religious perception. I had observed on many occasions how their actions severely differ from what they are supposed to follow. At the time I also observed that deep inside me there is something pushing me to follow ten commandments way better than they do.

All together contributed to my sympathy to Gnostics as someone with quite different views to the mainstream religion I had experienced till that moment in time.


 One of the most prominent figures in the Armageddon Conspiracy book is Lucifer. To my huge surprise I suddenly became fascinated by this demon. Why surprise? Because till this very moment of time when I read the book with full fascination, I would mock people dealing with demons, magic. Like Church going people I would consider them completely insane, perhaps even more.

My ex-wife was a magic practitioner, and I would ridicule her to the extent she gave up, at least seemingly this kind of practice. And now, reading one book I am suddenly fascinated by a demonic figure which is in most cases associated with Satan by the Church. The Armageddon Conspiracy book taught me that Lucifer is not Satan, it is a spiritual Being associated with the planet Venus, and it is a Light bringer. Something completely new to me. But I was aware of the concept that the Light is knowledge. Something I was hungry about. Perhaps this was the deep trigger inside me? Identifying the source of what I am after, the knowledge?

The Holy Grail

 The next huge trigger were mysteries behind the Holy Grail, Spear of Destiny, Art of Covenant and a dish. I just vaguely knew that this is something religious people would know and cherish, or my best teacher was Indiana Jones and his movies about the quest to find a Holy Grail. In this book I also learned the connection of Knights Templar with these items, I learned about Cathars, about the Mark of Cain, etc.

And the most enchanting part of the book was its ending. It is full of riddles, and many false leads, and endless traps. Of course, this is something I would expect from the secret order such as Illuminati and for my curious mind these riddles just ignited even more my curiosity which is one of the motivations to this day.

Over the years, I have slowly managed to unveil several mysteries, but never all of them. During my journey, I have learned that this can only be accomplished through wisdom, which is based on knowledge, and knowledge is based on experience.


Unaware of this important sequence at the time, well known to the esoteric circles, I made a dangerous decision that has powered me through my entire journey. This decision was, no matter how dangerous it might be, to embark on a journey of experience by exploring the depths of the World behind the Veil.

When I made this decision, I would vividly visualize Knights attempting to grab the Holy Grail, all falling down to the Abyss below them. Well portrayed in one of the Indiana Jones movies. At this time all these decisions were un-natural, I didn’t have any rational background to make them. It was just a powerful intuitive attraction I couldn’t identify; I was unaware what was behind. And very naïve.

Perhaps today, 7.5 years after when I am writing this sentence I can reflect, given all the circumstances around my mindset at that time, how odd really my decision was.

But today I can clearly understand the forces which were pushing me to make these decisions. It was still a result of my Christmas 2015 request to the Universe. My wish was granted. And as a result, my mind was primed towards the goal. 

I was actually possessed. 


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