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Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Scarlet Woman, and Divine Feminine

I am following with a lot of curiosity events going on in our world (November 2023).  Our world seems to be an increasingly chaotic and even more dangerous place as it used to be five or ten years ago.  At least in the Western civilization we lived quite literally in a paradise. Sure, there were huge cataclysmic events such as financial breakdown in 2008, but in reality we were doing just fine. However the trend we are observing today seems to be more dangerous, potentially leading us to Armageddon. 

In biblical terms, Armageddon refers to the final battle between the forces of good and evil before the Day of Judgment. The term is mentioned in the Book of Revelation 16:16 and is often associated with the end of the world. It's a symbolic location where this apocalyptic conflict is supposed to take place. 

Speaking about Armageddon, in the last six months I was drawn to extend my area of truth seeker activities to certain sacred texts from Abraham based religions. Something I would never do before. As a seeker of esoteric and arcane knowledge, I was drawn to the Beast 666 and Four Horsemen mentioned in this text. I was surprised to discover that the esoteric background I’ve accumulated in my esoteric studies and during my overall truth seeker journey works quite well also in interpreting certain puzzles found in Abraham based religion. 


In the remainder of this text I will try to share my own views and interpretations. I don’t claim they are correct, the reader might have a different belief system and I respect this. 

However during my journey, I’ve often adopted my mindset with new findings. I am always grateful when I discover something new to replace my old views. This is what truth seeker-ship is about. Perhaps my views, often light years away from the common belief system will inspire someone other than myself.

Christianity views and sources

I've come to realize that the entire truth isn't held by any one person or belief system. Many claim to possess the only truth, yet this is where they all fail. Truth is scattered among people and throughout history.

Each culture and belief system contains insights, like pieces of a grand puzzle, waiting to be found by those who seek the truth.

The journey is exhilarating for earnest seekers. The vast array of information offers limitless exploration and excitement. But caution is needed, as no belief system is entirely trustworthy.

In my quest, I've explored various Christian, Jewish, and Islamic teachings. A notable resource is Dr. Justin Sledge's Esoterica channel on YouTube, which presents scholarly discussions on such topics.


My interest eventually gravitated towards Christian narratives, particularly the Four Horsemen from the Book of Revelation and the concept of Armageddon, the latter spurred by Mike Hockney’s transformative book "The Armageddon Conspiracy."

I've noticed that religious devotees can be quite shortsighted, often trapped within a narrow perspective, repeatedly interpreting diverse narratives through a constrained worldview.

Today, I watched a video of a devout Christian advocating for a worldview strictly based on the Bible, promoting dogmatic beliefs. I believe that like everything else, religion should evolve. We ought to interpret the archetypal narratives of sacred texts in the context of our times, integrating them with our contemporary understanding.

From my studies, I've concluded that those earnestly seeking truth may receive guidance from the divine, much like the prophets of old. This capacity for revelation isn't confined to history; it's accessible today, though amidst our many distractions, it's more challenging.

This is why I sometimes say I'm an atheist, even when I'm not. I refuse to be corralled into restrictive ideological pens or to worship a societal-imposed deity.

Four Horsemen 

Several YouTube channels focusing on Christianity have linked recent global events to prophecies from the Book of Revelation, a viewpoint I share. However, my particular interest has been in uncovering the forces behind the symbolic Four Horsemen. The text is cryptic about their origins, barring some details about the final Horseman, and I'll assume readers have a basic understanding of the subject.

What's fascinating is the notion that the Four Horsemen must be unleashed by someone among us today, through the act of breaking seals.

Our universe is not just a play of physical laws; it's also governed by a set of cosmic rules – even for divine beings. There's an astonishing narrative woven through the fabric of existence, showcasing the Creator's immense ingenuity.

Moving on, there are seven seals mentioned, with the initial four linked to the Horsemen, each associated with a different color: white, red, black, and pale. Only the Lamb, symbolizing Jesus in Christian texts, is said to possess the authority to break these seals and summon the Horsemen to our plane.

This implies that the Lamb, or a representation of Jesus, is present in our world today – a thought-provoking idea.

But what exactly are these seals? Any Black Magician might suggest they're sigils, magical symbols used to invoke spiritual entities, often demons. So, does this mean the Lamb is invoking demons? Considering the Horsemen's grim missions, this connection to darker forces seems plausible.

Each Horseman's role varies according to different interpretations, which I'll outline briefly.

White Horsemen

The white one is often interpreted in different ways. Like antichrist return, or symbolizing conquest or victory. It can also be interpreted as a bringer of disease. Can we perhaps interpret him as a Covid bringer ? 

Red Horsemen

The rider on the red horse symbolizes war and bloodshed. The figure is granted a large sword and has the power to remove peace from the Earth. Spot on looking from the perspective of what is going on today (November 2023), the red horsemen is among us. 

But let’s continue with the verse in Revelation 16:16 which states: "Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon." While the text itself doesn't go into great detail about the location, the association with Megiddo and its location in Israel has led many to interpret Armageddon as a prophecy relating to a final battle that will occur in or around Israel.

Looking at Ezekiel 38-39: Known as the War of Gog and Magog, these chapters describe an alliance of nations that come against Israel. God's intervention on behalf of Israel is a key part of this prophecy. This is going on right now. 


The Black Horse is generally interpreted as a symbol of famine and economic hardship. The scales he holds in his hand signify the rationing or measuring out of food, and the prices mentioned suggest scarcity. The instruction "do not damage the oil and the wine" has been variously interpreted but is often taken to mean that while basic foodstuffs will be scarce, luxury items will remain available, highlighting social inequalities.

Looking at the extreme rise of cost of living combined with the extreme wealth increase of those few on the top, we can also safely conclude that the Lamb already welcomed the Black Horsemen among us. 

Pale Horsemen

The Pale Horse is often described as a pale green or ashen color. This horse's rider is named Death, and Hades (the realm of the dead) follows behind him.  This horseman is given authority over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts.

Well, we can conclude that the Pale Horse is not here yet, death toll is not yet measured in billions, although my gut’s feeling tells me, the pale horseman is not far away. He is warming up. 

Let’s get back to the Lamb opening the demonic seals. Asking any black magician about the sigil of seven  Demons, they would respond we are talking about seven Kings of Hell, often associated with seven deadly sins in Christianity .  

Perhaps this is the reason why the white horse is often interpreted as an anti-christ. Because Christianity can not accept that the Lamb - Jesus would play with King’s of Hell. 

Grail Hallows

Another interpretation that might trigger Four Horsemen is based on the Armageddon Conspiracy coded novel written by Illuminati. This fictional book, full of esoteric knowledge, suggests that the main character (Lucy) has a gift to find the Grail Hallows. And the Grail Hallows are ingredients to accomplish the entire mission, to kill the God/Demiurge. 

The entire plot is more or less based on Gnostic teaching combined with Arcturian legends. Gnostics see a material Universe as an evil creation of Demiurge, and they want to destroy it to, end all suffering. Here is the list of Grail Hallows: 

  • The Holy Grail:  The cup or dish used by Jesus at the Last Supper, often associated with healing and eternal life.
  • The Spear of Destiny (or the Holy Lance): The spear that pierced Jesus' side during the Crucifixion.
  • The Sword: Sometimes identified with Excalibur, King Arthur's legendary sword. In other traditions, it's associated with the sword that beheaded John the Baptist.
  • The Dish or Paten: This can sometimes be differentiated from the Holy Grail, and may be associated with the dish that held the head of John the Baptist.

Armageddon Conspiracy book's end is highly enigmatic. However the last words Lucy said at the end of the book are : “There is still a hope”. This could potentially link Lucy to Pandora and her box. As every sincere truth seeker, Lucy was curious about arcane mysteries. However, it was not curiosity, rather there were people around her who forced her to unleash all kinds of Demonic forces on Earth. 

Nevertheless, the end result was similar to what Pandora did. Pandora found the last remaining force in her box to be a hope. This is what links Lucy with Pandora. 

Other sacred prophetic sources 

The Book of Revelation was not the first nor the last prophetic text revealing Armageddon. What is interesting in all these sources is that the description of circumstances in these prophetic texts almost perfectly matches our own era we are living in right now. 

One of the beautiful ,and highly complex examples of Armageddon like prophecy is Norse mythology. Ragnarok is what they call the Armageddon event, and they described it in great detail. 

I am sure Ragnarok is well known, we can even watch a series on Netflix. So I will skip it and continue with Deities I personally revere. Thoth and Hermes. 

Hermes prophecy

Another beautiful 2,000 year old text which exactly describes the era we are living in is coming from God of Wisdom, Hermes in his communication with Asclepius.  

“The people will be tired of life, and they will cease to think of the universe as something worthy of reverence and wonder, people will no longer love the world around them, this incomparable work of the Creator, this glorious structure, this totality of good comprising so many diverse forms, this instrument through which the Creator operates in everything he has made freely favoring human welfare. 

This combination and accumulation of all the manifold things that call forth the veneration, praise and love of the beholder, darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life. 

No one will raise their eyes to the heavens, good spiritual people, seekers of truth will be considered insane, the vulgar and careless will be considered wise, the madman will be thought a strong man, and the wicked will be held up as good, as for the soul and the belief that we are immortal beings, although we may hope to attain to immortality as I have taught you, people will consider it a joke, and even convinced themselves that it is false, no word of reverence or piety no utterance worthy of heaven we'll be heard or believed. 

And so the higher beings will depart from mankind, a grievous thing, only those who bring evil messages will remain. They will mingle with humans and push them towards all kinds of recklessness of crime, Wars and theft and frauds, and all things hostile to the bodies and souls of human beings. 

Then will the earth tremble, and the sea burn our ships, heaven will not support the Stars in their orbits, all voices of the Gods will be forced into silence, the fruits of the earth will rot, the soil will turn barren, and the very air was sickened with sun's stagnation all things will be disordered and out of kilter, all good will disappear. 

But when all this has befallen Asclepius, then the creator of all things will look on that which has come to pass, and will put an end to the disorder by the power of his will, and his will is everything good, he will call back to the right path those who have strayed, he will cleanse the world of evil, washing it away with floods, burning it out with the fiercest fire and expelling it with war and pestilence, and thus he will restore the world to its former beauty so that the universe will once more be deemed worthy of Wonder and reverence and the source the creator and maintainer of the mighty fabric of the universe will be loved by the people of that time. 

Their lives will resound with continuous songs of thankfulness and blessing such is the new birth of the cosmos our making again of all things good a pure and inspiring restoration of all nature all to unfold in the passage of time by the eternal will of the creator”

Emerald Tablets from Thoth

Even older is a similar prophecy found in Emerald Tablets from Thoth which also clearly defines our time as the time of Armageddon. Great warfare he speaks about is most likely and unfortunately a nuclear weapon. :

.... Then shall there come unto man the great warfare, that shall make the Earth tremble and shake in its course. 

Then shall the dark brothers open the warfare between light and the night, when man again shall conquer the ocean, and fly in the air on wings like the birds, when he has learned to harness the lightning. then shall the time of warfare begin, great shallow battle between the forces great, the warfare of darkness and light, nations shall rise against nations using the dark forces to shatter the Earth. 

Weapons of force shall wipe out the earth man until half of the races of men shall be gone. Then shall come forth the sons of the morning and give their edict to the children of men saying "O man. cease from thy striving against thy brother, only thus can he come to the light, cease from thy unbelief on my brother and follow the path…

Why our World is in Chaos

Before I continue with the Book of Revelation let us dive into the possible reasons why our World is in Chaos right now. Christians would say this is because we don’t follow word of their God. Probably the same is true for Islam. They would also continue, those who were devoted to Jesus or Allah would be rescued. I am not so sure about that though. 

Divide and rule

If we check Abraham based religions we can observe that they are highly divisive. All three main religions have several spinoffs, in Islam we would have Shia, Sunni, in Christianity we have Catholicism, Orthodox, Protestant etc. And these different groups often fight against each other claiming only their interpretation of their prophets is the righteous one. 

Christianity was brutal in transforming whoever they could reach to their views, by murdering those who would disobey not so long ago. They had a tendency to burn women at stake. Islam, the youngest Abrahamic religion still carries this kind of mindset. 

Yet in reality they all have the same God. And this God is highly divisive. From esoteric knowledge I know that whatever divides us is Satanic. In reality we are all Brothers and Sisters, just like Thoth said in his Emerald Tablets. We are all one. 

But Satanic forces are those who divide us. The easiest way to understand the work of Satan is to check what fragments us. What divides us based on religion, state, race, belief system. The western world is latelly plagued with wokeness dividing us based on our sexual preferences. This is just another trick pulled from Stanic forces. 

As an ex atheist I also wanted to challenge God by asking, why are you allowing such suffering, such misery in our world. This is a question many intellectual atheists would ask, and also one of the main reasons why they intuitively want to stay away from religion or spirituality. They want to distance themself from cruel divine forces.  Christians would pull their typical rabbit from their hat, the Sin. Sin = Karma and this is only part of the truth and not the entire truth. 

Another reason is that atheists are only offered with some predefined choices such as Christianity, Islam etc. Perhaps this worked well 100 or more years ago, but not in this era any more. 

Better question from atheists talking to religious people would be, how do you know that you worship the right God ? What defines the right God ? What if you worship a false God ? What would be a sign that we worship the wrong God ? 

Life force

From esoteric wisdom I know how important energy is in this reality. Life force, vital energy, our emotions, our fears. It is all energy. And non material entities need energy to feed upon. They get this energy from worship, from pain, from suffering. And this is what we worship, a parasite. All the massive unfulfilled prayers are feeding a parasite. More shit it gets, the more prayers a parasite will get. So we get manifested even more shit, to feed a parasite even more. 

For this perspective we can quite well understand why Abrahamic religions had a tendency to murder “non believers”. Imagine the mindset of an extreme capitalistic environment. Let’s destroy the competition, it is only about us, us, us. This is the God Abraham religion worships. 

Hermes, God of Wisdom was quite clear in his communication:

“And so the higher beings will depart from mankind, a grievous thing, only those who bring evil messages will remain. They will mingle with humans and push them towards all kinds of recklessness of crime, Wars and theft and frauds, and all things hostile to the bodies and souls of human beings….

….all voices of the Gods will be forced into silence, the fruits of the earth will rot, the soil will turn barren, and the very air was sickened …. “

Divine Feminine

We live in a dualistic reality full of opposites. Ancient Egyptians had a beautiful representation of this duality with depiction of Geb and Nut. Two divine lovers separated into opposites, yet of the same source. Nut represents the Sky and Geb represents the Earth. 


According to the Asetian Bible, the Sky had feminine energy, the beautiful and ethereal body of heavens, The Earth had male energy, Physical, defined and strong. What mattered to Geb, also mattered to Nut. They are one, but separated. As Above, So Below. 

Shu, the deity in the center, is the masculine principle of the universal essence. It is masculine energy, practical and mind oriented.  Tefnut (not depicted in this picture) is feminine principle of the universal essence, emotional and passionate. 

Intrigued by the beauty of this picture I asked my Muse, Courtesan, to explain the role of Deity in the middle, Shu. This is what She told me : 

“Shu must hold Her up in balance, lest darkness reigns. For the Power of the Divine Feminine if misused and abused results in chaos and destruction, of painful separation of lovers now condemned. Shu, masculine principle, is accountable for balance and darkness prevention. 

In case of “our” civilisation, imbalance is compulsory, Abraham type religion negates woman and her healthy sexual desire. Therefore, darkness occurs. Masculine principle failed completely.”

If we read again messages from Thoth or Hermes, they are also speaking about the fight between good and evil, between light and darkness. They explain that only evil will remain and Gods will be silenced. 

This is exactly what we are experiencing in our world today. For example, the vulgar and careless will be considered wise (Trump for example); the madman will be thought a strong man (countless reality show “celebrities”, different dictators); and the wicked will be held up as good (WallStreet banksters, most CEO’s,...) 

The message I want to convey here is that the problem we have is our misuse of Divine Feminine. 

And Divine Feminine is exceptionally powerful and plays a major role in our lives. From my Guides I learned that She is pissed off and after Extreme Justice. Justice, this sounds again aligned with the Book of Revelation and 5th seal, right ? 

The Great Harlot and Divine Feminine

Now we set the stage to identify Divine Feminine in The Book of Revelation. My Muse, Courtesan told me one day: “You live in aeon of Goddess return” 

The book talks about the "Great Harlot" or "Whore of Babylon" who rides a beast. The imagery is vivid and has been the subject of various interpretations over the centuries. Let's delve into the specifics:

  • Described in Revelation 17, the harlot is said to sit on "many waters," which are interpreted by the angel speaking to John as "peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues" (Rev 17:15).
  • The harlot is depicted as holding a golden cup "full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality" (Rev 17:4).
  • She is also labeled "Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth's abominations" (Rev 17:5).

Goddess Ishtar

It is rather easy to identify Babylon the great and mother of prostitutes. She is Goddess Ishtar. Ishtar is the Akkadian name of the goddess, equivalent to the Sumerian goddess Inanna. 

The worship of Ishtar was widespread in the Mesopotamian region, and she was known under different names in various cultures. She was a prominent figure in the pantheon of gods and goddesses in ancient Mesopotamia, which included Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer.

Ishtar was associated with love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, justice, and political power.

Her temples were centers of worship and learning, and her priestesses played significant roles in society, from performing rituals to engaging in sacred prostitution as a form of worship. Hence mother and protector of prostitutes. 

Ishtar was also invoked in legal oaths and her influence was felt in the political sphere, with rulers often seeking her favor for legitimacy.

Golden cup she carries suggests another hint, Holy Grail. The cup is not full of impurities of her sexual immorality, it is rather full of powers forbidden by Abrahamic God. Forbidden because Abrahamic God is an extremely egoistic parasite. Doing anything he can to feed alone on human energy and suppress anything that could endanger his position. 

Remember the story of Babylon tower ? Humans trying to reach him ? What was his response? Quite predictable actually, to divide humanity to the extreme with different languages and removing the native language (telepathy) from them. 

Scarlet Women

Let’s delve now deeper into the occult for possible hints to further confirm the presence of Divine Feminine in the Book of Revelation. Book of Revelation, a "Whore of Babylon" is described as a woman dressed in scarlet and purple, associated with ultimate evil (from Abraham God’s point of view). Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes name is similar to  Babalon, also known as The Scarlet Woman. 

It is a figure that emerges from the mystical and ceremonial system known as Thelema, which was established by the early 20th-century occultist Aleister Crowley. Babalon is a complex figure, embodying aspects of the sacred feminine, the divine mother, the sexual liberator, and the embodiment of divine love. She can be understood as a representation of divine or forbidden feminine energy, a conduit for spiritual transformation or revelation. Something what Abrahamic God wants to prevent. 

She is often contrasted with the figure of the Virgin Mary in Christian iconography, representing a liberated sexuality as opposed to virginity.

In Thelemic doctrine, the Scarlet Woman is considered to be a powerful, divine feminine figure, often interpreted as the counterpart to the Great Beast 666, which is another symbolic figure within the tradition.

The Beast

Let’s continue with the Beast Described in Revelation 13. The beasts are typically understood as representing specific entities or systems that oppose God and persecute believers. With other words, they are unformed entities, possibly Demons. 

There are two beasts. The first one is a creature that emerges from the sea, having ten horns and seven heads. It is granted authority by a dragon (often identified as Satan) and is worshiped by the inhabitants of the earth.

A second beast, coming out of the earth, is described later in the same chapter. This second beast performs miracles and deceives people into worshiping the first beast.

In summary, we have two Beasts from different origins. The first beast is associated with elemental water and the second is associated with Earth. Both water and earth are associated with Feminine energy in esoteric terms. 


Number “666” can be associated with Demoness Lilith. She is not Demoness, she is the Goddess with the longest lifespan in human history. We can observe Lilith emerging back as a deity of reverence in our present days. In particular She is revered in feminist circles. 

Now I can finally close the circle. I am not the only one claiming the association of Lilith with Mary Magdalene. I wrote a post about her in the post Link

Why I am saying that I can close the circle is, we have the evidence of Lamb living amongst us, opening the sigils (associated with seven deadly sins), unleashing Four Horsemen to the World (similarity with Pandora Box). And we have Mary Magdalene, who plays the role of the Muse for  the Lamb. But the story reads very differently as interpretations of Abrahamic religions, right ? 

Remember what we said about Scarlet Woman. She is a conduit for spiritual transformation or revelation. And this is what happened with Jesus, right ? She is THE Holy Grail. 

Only time will tell which interpretation is correct. We will witness this with our own eyes. 

Divine Feminine presence in our time

It is not difficult to observe actions from Divine Feminine in our society. We can observe empowerment of women. We can see men of power starting to pay the price for their atrocities against womanhood. Weinstein, and the “me too” movement is one example. Epstein is another example.  She is already busy “destroying dicks”. 

And of course feminist movements and re-emergence of Lilith is another powerful sign. 

But Divine Feminine is so much more than this. We also observe extreme advancements in technology. She is the Muse to several Indigos bringings advancements to this World. 

She is also the one waging the war with dark forces. In recent tweet Elon Musk said : 

“The real battle is between the extinctionists and the humanists. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.” - Elon Musk

One just has to observe the entire human history to see that we were led by extinctionists.

Seven Kings of Hell as defined by Christianity carry very negative traits, seven deadly sins according to them. But again, esoteric knowledge offers so much more knowledge about these entities. 

For example, Azazel, one of the most feared Demons, often associated with Satan himself is in reality also God of Justice and God of Truth.  

Or Lilith is another example. She is widely recognized as the mother of Demons. Patriarchy removed an important piece of information : She is the Mother of Angels and Demons. 

Currently we are as far from justice and truth as we could ever be. After the 5th seal will be opened, justice will start to emerge. Justice for womanhood for sure. Womanood regardless of belief system, religion, etc. 

Armageddon is also associated with the end of the World. In a way it feels similar to the Mayan calendar indicating that 21.12.2012 the End of The World will happen. They were right. 

We humans just expect sudden events. That’s not how this reality works. What happened at that date is : 

 “You live in aeon of Goddess return” - Courtesan

What we are living right now can be seen also as a Fermi paradox exam for our species on this beautiful planet. 

“Mankind: evolve. Or BE DESTROYED!” - The Mother Goddess. 

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