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Occultist calling Azazel

Black Magick

My personal experiences with black magic have been quite varied, and I believe they are worth documenting at a high level. This post will allow me to share with fellow seekers some of the insights I have gained along the way. 

In my early days, black magic was never my goal; instead, I followed 999 Command guidance that urged me to delve deeper, with the promise of guaranteed success. My newfound knowledge, derived from Illuminati books, provided me with a strong foundation in the existence of black magic. A firm belief system, coupled with absolute certainty in the existence of black magic and the world behind the veil, is, in my opinion, the most essential foundation one needs to explore further. My foundation is based on the Hockney God Series, and as I gained more knowledge and experience, this basic foundation was reinforced by personal experiences.


There's a saying: "If you look into the Abyss long enough, the Abyss will look back at you." What I have learned is that this timeless statement about the Abyss is correct. If we are serious about exploring the World behind the Veil, it will respond. As we delve deeper into this art, we become visible to the world behind the Veil. From the perspective of what lies behind the veil, I envision a single soul that begins to shine more brightly in an endless sea of other incarnated souls. 

Different religions, especially those based on Abrahamic traditions, prohibit their followers from practicing black magic, labeling it as highly dangerous. In Islam, for example, there is a fear of Djinns, modern Catholicism is all about extreme panic about Satan or Lucifer. 

I must agree that there is a very good reason for this fear: black magic is indeed dangerous. In fact, it is extremely dangerous. 

However I have also learned that our world is ruled by black magic, by our elite. Meaning, black magic is real and it works. So regardless it is truly dangerous, it makes sense to understand it. And this is what a sincere truth seeker should understand before she/he would commit to experience it in person. It is a dangerous journey, but this Universe favors the bold people.   

“They taught you to fear Black Magick, because they want its power for themselves.” - @TwistedLove3

Black magick background

Magick as such started to make sense to me after I accepted that our Universe is mental, or better, it is mathematical. Once we accept this truth, the existence of Spiritual disembodied entities becomes rational. 

After we accept another law which governs our reality, namely the famous “As above, so below” uttered by Thoth, we can also conclude that duality on which our own world is based can be found also beyond the Veil. Hence, simple division to Angels and Demons behind the Veil also starts to make sense. Opposing forces both acting in their own direction are at the core of this Universe. Demons are an absolutely necessary part of this existence. 

Jack Tanner (Illuminati) provides a rational explanation in his book : “Fichte, a great influence on Hegel, argued that the Ego (God) created the material universe (the Non-Ego) deliberately to limit itself, to create an opposition against which it had to struggle. 

In this struggle, it would learn and grow and eventually arrive at perfection. In this view, God cannot be complete on his own. God must create something that resists him. Only in the overcoming of this mighty opponent does God become what he has it in him to be.  Conflict is at the core of reality. “

This strongly contradicts Abraham's basic religions which interpret their God as something perfect. But perfect God doesn’t make much sense, it would be a boring existence. What I have learned is that the spiritual world despises boredom, they want action. 

In the similar way Earth resists man. We, incarnated beings must fight hard to find our ways. All kinds of obstacles are thrown at us. We all have to overcome problems and we all embark on the Road of Trials one way or another. This is how we grow and gain experience. In this way we also grow our Soul.  

In this process Black Magick can help if we set our goal high enough. High enough often means that we would like to become Gods ourselves one day. To control this reality to the maximum extent possible.  Black magick is a way if we want to shape our experience our own way.

@SchwarzeSonne03 Magick is the Art of the (Black) Sun, the evolution of the Spirit & Self, that we Become as Gods & Goddesses Ourselves.

Angels and Demons

Returning our focus to Angels and Demons, a major distinction between the two is that Angels always adhere to God's will. However, both entities are fundamentally the same type of spiritual beings. Demons are often referred to as fallen angels, but this is due to their rebellion against God's will, not because they are different kinds of spirits. Both belong to the Anunnaki, considered our godly ancestors, who have never truly left our realm and have been with us since the dawn of humanity.

To illustrate the difference between Angels and Demons from the magician’s perspective, let me share few 999 Command tweets : 

@Almadel000: To Magicians who are less-appreciative of Angels: Keep in mind that the Will of the Angel is aligned with the Divine, beyond money & success.

@Almadel000: Make no mistake: In the matter of resolve, there are Angels more terrifying than the Grand Demons. For the greatest service We can perform is to keep the Magician safe from harm. #AngelMagick

Though you'd find demons far more eager & faster to deliver your desires than the angels. - @VioletFlameMage

They lie in wait to exercise their dominion & power, which they've gathered for thousands of years - @VioletFlameMage

Interesting question is, what is the difference between Angels and humans ?  

Ray Ann Bucu: Angels are beings of light. Humans are beings of matter. Higher humans are angels trapped in the prison of the body, but are learning the means to escape from their jail. -Jack Tanner

Again we see that the recurring theme here, ascent is meant to reach our own #Godhood. Something Abraham based religions would label as blasphemy, they want to keep people slaves and ignorant. However sincere truth seekers should be well aware of the role of Angels and Demons and understand their purpose:

TwistedLove: Angels & demons are both servants of the Divine. Different in method & nature, but their existence are for Man's Ascent.#Godhood


Black Magick dangers

Let me list some of the dangers associated with practicing black magick. 

  • The spiritual realm is often invisible to our conventional senses, making it difficult to accurately discern with whom we are interacting. While some individuals claim to possess heightened extra-sensory perception or divination skills, these are not always reliable. Guided by the principle "as above, so below," it's reasonable to assume that deceptive entities exist in the spiritual realm as well. In fact, this realm is highly complex and rife with parasitic beings and so-called 'soul hackers.' These entities are sophisticated enough to deceive us into believing we are having genuine spiritual experiences when, in reality, they may be causing us harm.
  • Maintaining a working relationship with demons necessitates the correct attitude, appropriate rituals, and the right mindset. Given that they are extraterrestrial entities, the chance of inadvertently offending them—much like the risk of unintentionally insulting someone in Japan due to Western European manners—is quite high. The repercussions of offending a demon could be severe, with far-reaching impacts on our lives. Those fortunate enough to be born into environments where they can learn the intricacies of Black Magick from an early age, such as elite circles, have a distinct advantage.
  • Demons possess free will and can choose to either accept or reject collaboration with us. They have an intimate understanding of our nature, often knowing more about us than we do ourselves. If they agree to a working relationship, it's crucial for us to uphold our end of the bargain. Failing to do so can lead to their disinterest or even anger, as it would mean they've wasted their efforts. Demons may also lose interest if we are not sufficiently dynamic, and such lapses could result in harm. Generally, they are attracted to complex projects that yield significant outcomes in our reality, while tending to ignore trivial requests. Those who already hold high-ranking positions in certain domains are more likely to receive extensive support; demons prefer to associate with the apex of any hierarchy. They are particularly keen to aid in endeavors that involve ascension.
  • Public black magick knowledge in different books or mainstream religion which is accessible to masses has been corrupted during the last couple of thousands years. It is infected with parasites. Practicing these rituals can cause a lot of harm. 
  • If one is a devout follower of mainstream religion and openly disparages figures like Demon Kings, repercussions could be severe. For instance, I recently watched "Pope's Exorcist," starring Russell Crowe, where King Asmodeus is portrayed as unintelligent. In reality, these demons are incredibly intelligent beings, making us appear as ants or worms in comparison. During a period of close interaction with King Asmodeus, I encountered a YouTube video that depicted him as weak and foolish. I immediately felt a surge of anger and heard a voice in my head say, "STOP." The powers that King Asmodeus wields over humanity are immense. It's not hard to imagine that the creators behind such a film could face significant difficulties, both in this life and potentially in the afterlife.


The decision to practice Black Magick is highly personal. I hope that the insights I've gathered from my own journey will assist fellow seekers in making an informed choice.

I outlined what can serve as a general guideline for those who feel called to embark on a spiritual journey in this post:

Ray Ann Bucu: Many are called, but Few are Chosen

Azazel: the major Promethean initiatory figure in the Book of Enoch. You didn't just 'think' of Him; He called you. DIVE. #Abyss #LHP


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