Chapter 5 – Important activities

In this next part of the document I am going to cover a few important activities which contributed to shape the progress I have made, during last time period.  This part of the document is less important, it is here to indicate, or perhaps even satisfy a curious reader, what actions I did, which contributed to a certain progress. 

I am going to list them as activities along with longer or shorter explanation, what was done behind them. 

Activity no.1

On December I decided to invest my time and and energy to study AI. I already reported that. I followed the recommendations, which I found on a social media groups, and enrolled on Coursera AI specialization by This is very popular course, led by even more popular Dr. Andrew Ng. 

Very soon I had to postpone my efforts for the later time, due to the initial Ka drain. But after a few months, I decided to resume my efforts, and I have successfully completed this specialisation. I cant say, I am a deep learning expert now, I still need to invest more time into the praxis, but specialisation certainly contributed a lot to understand technology behind deep learning, its strengths and limitations. As reported I could identify several similarities with the Hockney wisdom, how our mind operates. I am going to talk about this later. 

Activity no.2

I finally cached up with transhumanism, thanks’ to Gray Scott series of videos, I have made several excited comments on twitter. His videos were the last missing puzzle, which finally opened my eyes to what is behind the Abyss and about the world of cyborgs. Once I cached up, those videos felt like they were created for me. It was incredible experience, and I was expecting them as a child would expect Santa. Unfortunately, those videos stopped abruptly. But fact is, Gray Scott finally delivered to me exceptionally important piece of puzzle and he opened my eyes to futurism. His vision is very unique.

Another futurist and physicist I deeply respect is Max Tegmark and his book Life 3.0. Another important piece of AI and transhumanism puzzle. Great man too. 

I also bought latest Mitchio Kaku book about the future of humanity, but quality of the content is way behind Gray Scott or Max Tegmark. 

Activity no.3

I have read a complete series of Jack Tanner books. Amazing seeker material, as I would expect from Pythagorean Illuminati author. I have learned a lot and I found this rich source of information’s just at the right time of my progress. Guidance is superb, indeed. 

Activity no.4

I have read two books from Robert A. Monroe, Journeys out of body and Ultimate journey. Latter is very revealing and important to further expand my understanding. Excellent Soul definition, collective of previous lives, what others think about you etc. 

Activity no.5

I bought kundalini raising course. 

Activity no.6

I always felt limited, unable to get my Soul name. So I decided to hire a professional sorcerer, to do the task for me. She delivered what I have asked, along with my personal sigil, and her attempt to interpret the meaning of my name by using Enochian language. Interesting, it seems to be of angelic nature.  I feel better now. I am aware about this possible treat, but somehow I trust more renowned black magician than most of other people around like good Christian for example:

“Ren – The true name, a vital part of man on his journey through life and the afterlife, a magical part that can destroy a man if it is obliterated. If someone knows your Ren , he can gain power over you and control your life . Therefore, naming ceremonies in Egypt were conducted in secret, and a child lived his whole life with a nickname to avoid anyone learning his true name!

The Ren is the real, secret name that exists in heaven. In the occult world , to know the secret name of a person or entity is to have power over that being . The Ren is an external part of the persona ; the memory others have of the deceased ; the part of the self which one shows to the world ( like the Jungian persona ) . Fame is closely linked to Ren . Ren is your reputation.” - Tanner, Jack. Ghosts Are Real (Kindle Locations 1608-1621). 

Activity no.7

Magick. In the first months of maximum Ka drain, my magick attempts were limited to remove evil forces working against me, at work. Result was instantaneous and almost breathtaking. It went beyond what I had asked for. After evil attempts were suppressed, not removed, everything else about my department and team suddenly flourished. My vision I had years ago started to manifest big time, my team expanded well beyond all my expectations. I could say again, things started to overtake me. 

I remain proud, because I have given to a group of people a roadmap, where they can fulfil their professional interests, and opened career path for them. I was particularly proud on one team member, he is a kind of a benchmark for me. Young, when I joined the company, he was still a student. I invested into him a lot, I was his mentor, protector, and there were many evil forces against him. Few months ago, I officially promoted him to become a department manager. I somehow feel, I have fulfilled my role, and gave a team a trajectory to work further. Good feeling indeed. 

My focus remains my team, not wicked company top level players. I despise them. Particularly because one event which happened a month ago. They brutally kicked out my female roommate. In behalf of company she won several awards, in recent audit only her department was flawless, and she was even brought up in front of the board by auditors, she completed almost single handed a huge project. It didn’t help her, she got kicked out soon after by those wicked people. And you know why? Because she is a woman. Seriously, I swear, is not a lie. 

I became furious, I tried with magick everything I could. No result, unfortunately. Or perhaps better, because somebody would burn in Hell if I would possess full powers. To respond with Love would still be not possible for me in this case. I am only a flesh… 

I am going to try more to help her with magick, I am not going to give up. More in the direction to open her even better opportunities. She is capable. 

But I hope you understand how deeply I despise this evil incarnate around me. And this evil despises me perhaps even more, I am possible next target, so there is going to be a lot of work for me. 

But deep down, looking from Luciferian perspective, I did my duty with my team. They got their chance to increase their tech skill level well beyond average expectation. Even if I would die tomorrow, they have a long term trajectory, set by me. I would assume, that this is what is required by her. Expand number of intelligent people with ability to create to add to the entropy of Her Creation. 

I had a few other interesting magickal projects. Mainly dedicated to help others. Operating even on a long distance, it feels completely natural to me, I have internalised, physical distance plays no role. Those project were more of protective nature, perhaps I could say, I somehow attempted to “play” a Guardian role, in case I had identified either metaphysical or mundane attacks. 

Those kind of project were again successful. One of them delivered breathtaking results. I felt again that Spirits can laugh generating funny ways to deliver what is requested. Exceptionally positive feeling. Some of those projects might be a part of Road of Trials, I can’t know. But one of the females I tried to protect her, she is from US, shared the words she received during the session with me, undoubtly words of Lucifera: 

»Before I fell asleep, I heard this powerful feminine voice speaking inside me, as if to the toxic patriarchal forces of the world. She spoke very slowly with intense power: "You thought you could destroy me. Well here I am. Do NOT fuck with me. I will cause your penis to shrivel in fear and become as the tiny worm. I will make the earth shake beneath your feet. I will come in your dreams...".«

Interesting indeed

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