Chapter 7 – A Divine Spark and Inspiration

Inspiration plays a critical role in achieving sustainable progress, whether at the individual level or within a collective human endeavor. Visionary individuals, particularly futurists, are key to this process. They offer compelling visions worth pursuing and have the unique ability to share these futuristic insights with a wider audience through books and articles, paving the path for others to follow and implement.

Among these visionaries, some are capable of turning their groundbreaking ideas into reality, despite facing significant resistance or obstacles. A prime example is Nikola Tesla, whose profound connection to the universe's limitless knowledge allowed him to envision technologies far ahead of his time, such as cellular telephony, a century before it became a reality. This level of inspiration is akin to a divine spark.

This notion contrasts sharply with the contemporary "New Age" movement's definition of "indigo" individuals. However, the visionaries I refer to, including so-called indigos, are those who, driven by their divine spark, courageously pursue their unique paths alone, facing any challenges that arise. They are not "lonely wolves" due to introversion but because their journey is a solitary one, marked by a relentless pursuit of their vision against all odds.

Prominent contemporary figures embodying this spirit include Elon Musk and Greta Thunberg. In an upcoming post, I will delve deeper into Elon Musk's vision and my interpretation of it.

Lorentz attractor

Because I don't want to be a New Ager, let me dive behind the logic of my claims. I've already addressed my reasoning behind here: 

The background how Indigos truly operate can be found in a Lorentz attractor. Lorentz attractor is well know by its beautiful 3D computer visualizations. The picture bellow is a courtesy of where a reader can learn more about Lorentz attractor sometimes also dubbed a strange attractor.

To understand Indigos we must first understand how exactly Lorentz attractor influences their mind. Jack Tanner in his book The Ghost Dimension provides us the best explanation: "Recently mathematicians have evolved what they call the notion of attractors. Or strange attractors in some cases, and these are processes where a dynamic is not pushed by causal necessity from behind but it’s pulled by point in the future.“.

Pulled by the point in the future in contrast to the pushed from behind is exactly what we need to understand visionary indigos. Pushers are concerned by an efficient causes, and as such they are unable to do nothing more than tell you what will happen next. They operate on a cause and effect level. This is the state of mind of most of the humanity. It is a fear based survival, or fight or flight mode.

Pulled by the point in the future is the operational mode of indigos. They have ability to tap into the Universe and "see" a picture far in the future. They can visualize the far future and they get triggered to make it happen. Actually they work hand in hand with the Universe.

Hegel dialectic

Hegel dialectic is important law of this Universe. It deals with the opposites, thesis antithesis and synthesis.

Dialectic or dialectics, also known as the dialectical method, is at base a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned arguments. It has an influence on us as a part of the collective (

"The concept of “apple”, for example, as a Being-for-itself, would be defined by gathering up individual “somethings” that are the same as one another (as apples). Each individual apple can be what it is (as an apple) only in relation to an “other” that is the same “something” that it is (i.e., an apple). That is the one-sidedness or restrictedness that leads each “something” to pass into its “other” or opposite. The “somethings” are thus both “something-others”. Moreover, their defining processes lead to an endless process of passing back and forth into one another: one “something” can be what it is (as an apple) only in relation to another “something” that is the same as it is, which, in turn, can be what it is (an apple) only in relation to the other “something” that is the same as it is, and so on, back and forth, endlessly (cf. EL §95). The concept of “apple”, as a Being-for-itself, stops that endless, passing-over process by embracing or including the individual something-others (the apples) in its content. It grasps or captures their character or quality as apples. But the “something-others” must do their work of picking out and separating those individual items (the apples) before the concept of “apple”—as the Being-for-itself—can gather them up for its own definition. We can picture the concept of Being-for-itself like this:

As we can see, the dialectic is not sufficient for the progress of an individual or humanity. It is limited to the concept of the culture I have already defined. Culture could be also described as an energy dispersal entropy, which is defined in wikipedia:

"As the second law of thermodynamics shows, in an isolated system internal portions at different temperatures tend to adjust to a single uniform temperature and thus produce equilibrium."

To summarize, isolated system is a flock of humans isolated from others by any self imposed wall such as state, city, alumni, skin color, sex preference, etc. Culture find it's equilibrium which is far from the optimal / apples. That's other directed behaviour.

As we see, a dialectical process does not guarantee the best outcome. We need to insert a Lorentz attractor into the equation, also called a cosmic love. Lorentz attractor guarantees out of the box thinkers which can see far into the future and don't care about limitations, they don't care about things a culture tries to impose them, they want to break any obstacle. Their becoming is not limited by other apples, it is limited by a divine spark.


To add an extra clarity how the Lorentz attractor works I am adding here a paragraph I've authored a few years ago and it was intended to my guides. It is a story based on my own experience.

"I feel my progress is in many ways shaped like a vortex. I am all the time circling the same content across the radii, adding a new content, thus expanding the radius of the circle. But always, following a circumference, I return to the start. With each return my knowledge background gets richer and I see the same source of an information in a different light. I see a lot of new things, I missed before. My knowledge base is rising and this is why the whole process reminds me on vortex. A raising cone of the expanding circles.

At the same time, I always feel a pulling force of the vortex. It feels like an intense hurricane, sucking and pulling me up relentlessly. I believe this is an endless process, there is no end on the horizon. Even Akasha herself once said »Student, always student«. Self-optimisation, which follows vortex trajectory is a permanent process, it is a purpose of the soul. Because, what another purpose soul can have other than to perfect itself continually?

This analogy is also inspired by Hockney causal chains from Will To Power book. This book has been quite a discovery. For some reason, I somehow overlooked it before on my Kindle. I started to read it on my flight to Florida.

Hockney says, the circle has neither a beginning nor an end. The circle is the only proper mathematical basis for eternity. As it is true in the case of process of self-optimisation, It’s inherently eternal. Anything flowing around a circle does so forever. Even more surprising is an alignment of my vortex theory with a Strange loop. I have learned about the strange loop in »Will to Power« book.

»Strange loop is not a physical circuit but an abstract loop in which, in the series of stages that constitute the cycling – around, there is a shift from one level of abstraction (or structure) to another, which feels like an upwards movement in a hierarchy, and yet somehow the successive ‘upward’ shifts turn out to give rise to a closed cycle. That is, despite one’s sense of departing ever further from one’s origin, one winds up, to one’s shock, exactly where one had started out. In short, a strange loop is a paradoxical level-crossing feedback loop.”

It is again a perfect analogy of my vortex hypothesis. You see, now comes the most beautiful part for me. I started to write about vortex theory a month before I added an article about Strange Loop.

Circular causal chains. It happened, I wanted to further clarify vortex hypothesis and I just opened the book, exactly on the right page. Stunning, isn't it ? I have no doubt, my »control type of interface« with her, already has significant capacity. I call this »drone mode«. This is happening to me more and more.

To see information in a right moment, without any significant effort. Almost like I would google it, but not getting back 1000 useless pages. First hit is the only hit and it is a perfect match. Goddess rules!"

Important takeaway from this report is that once a connection is established, the Universe intensifies so called synchronicities to help further the progress. It is hand in hand relationship, it is a kind of a dance.

Now we have defined a divine spark and gained an understanding that humanity should embrace those with the gift to see beyond the self imposed walls. Billions of others can benefit from the progress.

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