Chapter 8 – Balance, civilization 2.0 goal

Our goal should be to seek to attain a balance on every level imaginable. Either a personal balance or balance between us, humans and our environment. We should strive to seek for the connectedness with the Universe and our own planet Earth, we should reestablish this deep link which linger within us . 

Long ago, after I’d read about 40 Pythagorean Illuminati books, I created a document called Contemplations. In this document I wrote: “It seems that the whole life is entirely dependent on solving dialectic riddles on every possible step we might get. Incredible, just by using dialectic you can always predict what is the right path to you. For example, why are men and women so different? Because they are designed to be better together. Synthesis. 1 + 1 is more than 2 in this case. 

Why do we have two brain hemispheres? Because we have to find synthesis in neocortex. And so on. 

But sadly, Humanity is far from being able to search for synthesis. Humanity simply can not agree on anything. And that is at the core of the problems.“

Today I am even more aware that the majority of the problems are created because of total lack of balance on every imaginable level. Later I have also learned that dialectic is not enough for sustainable progress. Dialectic is a force of opposites which guarantees a movement. But the best outcome can not be guaranteed. 

I can start with imbalance with the Planet Earth and entire animal kingdom. We are deeply disconnected from the Universe. We have a patriarchy based society, we have racism, a fair share of abundance couldn’t get more wrong as it is. Even our own mind is out of balance and that’s actually the source of all problems. 

Egyptian mythology and dialectic

We can see the importance of balance by studying antic Egyptian wisdom. They say, when Gods ruled this planet, they were aware of the necessity of a strict balance. Antics assigned different Gods to different areas, which represent opposing forces - dialectics. 

They have Gods and Goddesses, each representing a certain aspect of balance. Often they were twin brothers, like Osiris and Seth. Seth was a God of destruction, Osiris was a God of creation. Seth would remove what doesn't serve a purpose, Osiris would again recreate. Osiris taught agriculture and gave laws and civilization to humans. 

Forces of destruction and recreation are an important necessity of this reality. Dialectic alone is too simplistics and doesn’t guarantee progress. On the top of the opposing forces acting each against each other we need to add a control mechanism, which can reset and restart a process. This part is missing in hegelian dialectics. 

Another important part is Lorentz attractor, or pull trajectory. Somebody is pulled from the future. We can also call this pull a divine spark, or a cosmic love. This important part is mostly absent in our present civilisation. 

Osiris and Seth were brothers in balance with their wives and sisters, Isis and Nephthys. Isis and Nephthys were also twin sisters.  They were all siblings of Geb (Earth) and Nut (Air). 

Osiris, god of the deceased, was the son and oldest child of Geb, the Earth deity and Nut, the sky goddess. His wife and sister was Isis, goddess of motherhood, magic, fertility, death, healing, and rebirth. It was said that Osiris and Isis were deeply in love with each other, even in the womb.

According to the Egyptian mythology, Nephthys, Seth’s wife was alway secretly in love with Osiris. And when Nephthys with Isis approval actually made love to Osiris, the balance started to shatter. Set, God of destruction kills Osiris and starts to rule Egypt. 

This relationship is very interesting because it adds more complexity to the opposing forces acting against each other represented by Osiris and Seth. 

As it seems every force needs to be counterbalanced with the opposite polarity, sex, Osiris with Isis and Seth with Nephthys. When this balance is broken, then we lose a divine spark, a Lorentz attractor. 

Isis and Nephthys both represent a Divine Feminine which is presented more homogenous than their masculine counterparts. Isis and Nephthys both have more unique characteristics compared to Osiris and Seth, which are mathematical opposites. Story about Isis and Nephthys suggest important clue about the Divine Feminine love, She loves her children unconditionally. Masculine pole is different, it is characterized by jalousy. 

“…and great was the love of these two Brothers for the Mother Goddess, that they fought so vehemently for Her love. In order to please both, She had to divide HerSelf. Alas Her effort was not enough. Battles surged through the Aeons & in many galaxies in the name of Her love; and the Goddess fragmented evermore in an effort to soothe Her other Children hurt by the Brothers’ feud.” – Vil Rothschild, Divine Syzygy

This is where we are now. One force rules our reality, one monotheistic God which is by the definition totally out of the balance. Feminine part of the creation part has been suppressed on every level imaginable. This translates to the lack of the divine spark, lack of the inspiration. We have just a fight between opposites without inspiration of a Divine Feminine. 

And here I have an answer to my claim: “Humanity simply can not agree on anything.” 

The answer is, we have no common goal because of a broken balance and lack of the feminine role. The reason is obvious, patriarchy. 

We can understand a balance represented by Osiris / Isis and Seth / Nephthys relationship also as a balance within our own minds, which is in most cases broken. Gods and Goddesses are part of us, of our minds, they are archetypes and opposing forces. It is a balance between ego and our shadow, balance between left and right brain, between our what we call Mind and Soul. It is about our relationship with a Divine Feminine that we are missing. 

As we see from the Osiris and Seth story, once this balance is broken, a catastrophe is inevitable. Because, when I"ve said, Seth destroys what does not serve a purpose any more, this could also mean, humanity does not serve the purpose any more. And than we are going to experience a new "biblical flood".

I often get emotional, listening a beautiful wisdom of people, deeply connected to this Planet, such as native Americans. There is so much wisdom in their words.


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