Coronavirus and Koko the gorilla

We all know what coronavirus is today, but let me first introduce to the readers Koko, the gorilla. She recently passed away, and she was well known primate because of her excellent abilities to communicate with the humans, using the complex sign language.

She was capable to express complex thought patterns, and I hear her IQ was about 90. I like such experiments with intelligent animals, because they in many way prove what people with empathy know for a long time. Levels of animals mental power is significant, and they are very emotional and connected to the nature. Another impressive experiment was with Alex, african gray parrot. His mental abilities were staggering.

But let's continue with Koko. She certainly had enough intelligence to label us humans with idiots. She said, she love us humans, but we are idiots. And she was certainly right. In a her own way,  What Koko reveals to us in her message is, she saw her as a part of the nature, she said she is flowers and animals. She could connect everything into the meaningful whole. By doing this, Koko had demonstrated more intelligence than some of the top world leaders.

Furthermore, Koko warned us, the Nature is observing what we are doing and she urged, to help fix the Earth, because the time is running out.

Davos 2020 conference

Davos 2020 meeting was in many way shaped by the messages such as how to save the planet. One of the notable speakers, Prince Charles, pleaded his commitment to work in harmony with Nature. In a nutshell it is the same message, which Koko the gorilla already delivered to us.

Sadly, perhaps not surprisingly, in the next sentence he managed to torn apart any positive thought he might have, by labeling a Nature an asset not being separate from our economy and being a life blood of our financial  market. Goddess save us !!!!  Prince Charles continues that we should mimic and align a Nature economy.

That"s correct but if the real intention is only to preserve our financial markets, which serve only minority of the population, this couldn't be further from the "economy" designed by the Nature. Nature actually cares for the economy. Personally I follow so called lean principe, which removes from the manufacturing process everything what is not necessary. And I see no role for financial markets, for Wall Street etc. From the perspective of the Nature, this is completely redundant.

Important concern Prince Charles raised during the Davos 2020 event is :  "Do we want to go down in history as the people who did nothing to bring the world back from the brink?" Prince Charles asked at Davos, urging action to stop the worst of climate change."

And his action attempt is the following initiative:

With the following infographic which describes well what are the main focus points if this initiative:

What I like is the following video, where Prince Charles claims he sees an significant increase of investments that invest in ways that truly benefit people and planet.


Much more important is of course the message delivered at Davos 2020 by Greta Thunberg, an amazing warrior indigo child. At her young age, she completely devoted her life to save the Planet. In the next video, Greta Thunberg delivered a few important actions she expect from the World leaders:

  • Our emissions have to stop, we need real zero, commitment just to lover emissions by the year 2050 are worthless,
  • US leaving Paris accord should worry everybody (,
  • Complete stop to invest in any fossil fuel related investments - now,
  • Transition is not going to be easy, it is going to be hard,
  • What you will tell your children, because you failed them,
  • Our house is still on fire.

Her focus is on the fossil fuels and carbon emissions, nevertheless she briefly touched also other atrocities we humans do, like burning an Amazon forest.


Why I am pointing out that Greta Turnberg is a warrior indigo? Majority of a New Agers have completely wrong perceptions what indigo truly means, especially a warrior indigo. The most notable warrior indigo we know today is Elon Musk, and we can clearly see a certain attributes these two have in common. They both feel a future and fight against planet destruction. They are almost as they were sent from the future to do something they intuitively feel, we humans did utterly wrong.

When Greta Thunberg is talking about what you are going to say to your children, we need to translate this to the indigo language. The true meaning is how we are going to be judged by future humans in next thousands of years. Own children - that's very patriarchal / abrahamistic view, which limits an interest of an individual only to the own family members. Abrahamist type of people couldn't care less for the rest.

Indigos are exact the opposite, they care for the Humanity, for the planet. You see the message ? Future humans coming back to us to deliver a message.

Elon Musk goes even further, he is trying to push single handed a human civilization to the Kardashev scale type 1 civilization.  And he is successful despite a serious consequences of incredible dumb acts of the current US leadership with the  withdrawal from the Paris accord. Such action has a chain effect in EU:

"The German car industry expressed concerns about its ability to remain competitive in light of the United States decision to withdraw. The president of the German auto industry lobby group VDA, Matthias Wissmann said, "The regrettable announcement by the USA makes it inevitable that Europe must facilitate a cost efficient and economically feasible climate policy to remain internationally competitive."

Luckily US manufacturers are not that insane and they commit to fight against the climate change. To be honest, mostly just because of Elon Musk and his success with EV's.

"Many of the larger auto and aviation companies had already invested billions into reducing emissions and were unlikely to change course. General Motors, the largest automobile manufacturer in the United States, immediately pointed out: "Our position on climate change has not changed ... we publicly advocate for climate action," and reiterated its support for various climate pledges. Analyst Rebecca Lindland also pointed out that manufacturers of automobiles were under no specific restrictions under the Accord and that nothing had changed. Even if Trump loosened other restrictions on the car industry that allowed for the production of less environmental cars, such cars still needed to conform to standards before they could be exported to other continents or even certain states. "

Now I can reveal why I used Koko the gorilla for the title and for the starting point for this post. Because Koko the gorilla delivered her message exactly for the same Paris COP 21 agreement. Most abramahists of course argue that gorilla can deliver such message, because they deny animals intelligence and they deny them to represent the Nature. Koko was familiarized with the purpose of her message, and it took several steps to make it like it is. But she certainly got a point, way smarter than those on the top as I already said.

Does future exists?

In this chapter I am going to defend my claim, that present warrior indigos like Elon Musk or Greta Thunberg feel a future and act in behalf of future humans, our children. Our present situation has been foretold long before Nostradamus, a few thousand years ago by a greek God Hermes. Many associate Hermes with Egyptian God of wisdom.

I suggest a reader to carefully listen Hermes message in the next video, and surely it will not be difficult to draw a parallel with the situation where we are today.,  Hermes also foretold an intervention when everything is going to be restored to the pristine beauty. I also recommend to carefully listen Paul Anthon, an author and researcher about what happened to this hidden knowledge and why it happened.  Because this is the source of evil.

Here are a few important predictions Hermes foretold:

  • Vulgar and careless will be considered wise,
  • Madman is going to be seen as a strongman,
  • Death will be taught more profitable than life,
  • seekers of truth insane,
  • Way of life to promote all things hostile to the bodies and souls of human beings.
  • Immortality would be considered as a joke (it is not) ,
  • the wicked will be held up as good,
  • higher beings will depart from mankind, only those who bring evil messages will remain, they will mingle with humans,
  • the fruits of the Earth will rot, the soil will turn barren, the very air will sicken with sun"s stagnation,
  • Humanity will forget to revere the Universe, this glorious structure, diversity of life, instrument through which the Creator operates.

The most important part of what Hermes foretold us is, the creator will put an end of the disorder by Her (Akasha) eternal Will. And Her will is everything good - Love.  All to unfold in a passage of time by the eternal will of the creator.

Today all these prophecies are self explanatory, because we see them manifest in our daily lives, daily news. We see a manifestation of ultimate evil in our leaders, elites.  Perhaps the most important stage where everything is unfolding exactly as foretold is the USA.

Great forgetting, a great confusion and restoration

What we can also understand from what Hermes foretold is we move in cycles. Our lives move in cycles, The Road of Trials as many of us experience along the way has the same cycles : forgetting, confusion and restoration. Because the entire Universe is not only reflected in the land called Khem as Hermes teaches us, it is also reflected within us. The same principles apply everywhere. This is the famous Thoth principle, "As Above, So Below"

As a result of this connection with the Universe, our lives are tied to the clockwork of the Universe which is governed by the laws of Physics and gravity.

Here is how Hermes defined the Zodiac and the Zodiac influence on us: “God responds to their concerns by creating the Zodiac. This celestial mechanism will control the fate of men and be ruled over by the goddess Destiny. She sows the seeds of a person's fate, which grow and develop under the constraints of Necessity, the limits and demands of physical nature, to shape every human life. It is a man's lot to live the life prescribed for him by his fate. Very few human beings are capable of escaping from the determining influence of the Zodiac. Man's earthly life is controlled by the power of Destiny, through the physical limitations of the mortal human body.” - Freke, Tim. The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs 

We were experiencing the great forgetting, disconnect from the source. And this state of mind created confusion. Disconnected from the divine spark, mankind is unable to see further than how to pay the bills to survive.

On the contrary, indigos are those who remain connected to the source., That is why they see far, far into the future. Indigos are deeply connected with the source, they feel the source intuitively. If I translate to the Egyptian wisdom, what mattered to Geb, also mattered to Nut. Two divine lovers. 

Those into the occult studies understand that the Creation, the Big Bang is a start from the omega point. From the state of perfection, where everything is already known, invented. No secret exists any more. And this is why a new cycle, because perfection is boring - this is what I learned from my Guides.

Cycles I am talking about have always been known to the ancient cultures, by those who were deeply connected to the source. Cycle we are living right now just started not long ago, at 21.12.2012, to be exact. This date was long known as the doomsday, because a calendar from Maya culture stops at this point of time. The truth is, that it is just a beginning of new are we entered. If we simply look back last five years so many things has changed. We live in era of unprecedented raise of technology, Access to the knowledge has never been so easy and open to anybody. We are indeed in a revolutionary times.

The Secret order Aset Ka teaches us, we"ve arrived to the era, or as they call it, Djehuty with the name "The Awakening of the Ancient Serpent". It's beginnings are characterised by a new spirituality which begins to manifest in certain human beings. It is the era which will guide us closer to our divine roots. This era is drawing it"s energy from the Horus archetype.

Drawing our understanding from ancients we can now clearly see they were right. At this moment we are living in a historical times where changes started to happen. And as always, changes don't happen just overnight as doomsday conspiracy theorist claim, it is a gradual, step by step process. As german philosopher Leibniz said, Natura non facit saltus (Nature does not make leaps)

But this doesn't mean, the this gradual process is not going to hurt. It is certainly going to hurt. Personal Hero's journey is full of pains, collective journey, which is a transition from one collective state to the newer, higher collective state is even more painful. because to give raise to the new, old must be wiped out. We must burn the past. This is the true meaning of the Phoenix bird, to birth something new we first need ashes from the old.  Unfortunately we humans need to be brutally kicked out of the comfort zone to look for new solutions.

Coronavirus foundations

I still have to set a necessary foundations, to reveal my own "conspiracy theory" about Corona virus situation.

Prevailing conspiracy about 5G is for me laughable. 5G is just another small "click bait" propaganda tool to steer ignorant masses away from the real problems which are profound.

Ignorant masses like to have a kind of a focus point where they can endlessly discuss subject such as flat earth, or David Icke. Conspiracy is based on a so called millimeter waves, which are supposible be used by a 5G network.

5G conspiracy

The fact is, 5G was designed with several different frequency spectrum in mind :

"5G will use spectrum in the existing LTE frequency range (600 MHz to 6 GHz) and also in millimeter wave bands (24–86 GHz). 5G technologies have to satisfy ITU IMT-2020 requirements and/or 3GPP Release 15; while IMT-2020 specifies data rates of 20 Gbit/s, 5G speed in sub-6 GHz bands is similar to 4G."

Why they are called a millimeter waves? A millimeter denotes a length of one sinusoidal cycle of frequency and is defined by a simple formula:

λ = v/f

Lambda in this case is a distance, v is speed of light and f is frequency. Higher the frequency, shorter the lambda.


I am not aware any 5G rollout to this day uses a millimeter wave. They keep them down to the frequency band which was used for the 4G networks. Why ? Because a frequency band defines an antenna. Guess what happen when a network operator has to replace all antenas ? That gets very expensive for them.

For example, T-Mobile in US claimed to be the first US service provider with 5G. They use 600 Mhz frequency band, and that's UHF.

But why millimeter idea than ? Because of a Shannon's law which defines the maximum rate at which information can be transmitted over a communications channel of a specified bandwidth in the presence of noise. Higher the frequency, higher the information transmitted. And this directly translates to the speed, Mbs.

5G conspiracy and power

Flat earthers are in this case focused on a frequency and ignore another important property which defines a radio magnetic frequency signal (RF), namely a power. To put this into a perspective, the candle flame is very hot, 1200 - 1400 degrees Celsius. But we can't melt with the candle the piece of aluminium, which has a melting point of 660 degrees of Celsius. In theory we should be able to melt it, but in reality  a candle flame doesn't have much heat, so it will cool down almost immediately. What we need is a big enough flame to melt something.

Power of cellular phones is greatly limited by the battery. We users love to have at least one day long battery juice. And cellular technology is dramatically improving, we have more and more devices in our mobile phones, like camera, all kind of sensors, GPS, etc. And everything consumes power. With other words, energy requirement has dramatically increased, but the battery technology and capacity remains basically the same. We are still waiting for the so called Holy Grail of battery technology such as a solid state or graphene batteries.

Keeping this in mind, a cellular network is an amazing technology. Also because power which is transmitted by our cellular phone is never constant, it rather addaptos to the conditions, proximity of the tower. If engineers want to keep battery juice consumption down, we need to have many towers that we are always in their proximity, to emit as low as possible power and by doing this our battery is not drained, because our RF power amplifier in a mobile phone is idling.

Than people get scared because of big bad looking towers. Bigger they are, scarrier they are to the ignorant masses. They want to burn these towers. Wrong.

Cellular telephony relies on a two way communication. We have one signal traveling from the mobile phone to the tower, and another signal traveling from the tower to the mobile phone. Guess what would happen if a big scary looking tower would transmit way higher power than our mobile phone ? We would see a strong a signal on our mobile device, but we would be unable reach a tower with our signal. Because signal strenght indicator on our mobile device just indicates a signal strength of what we are receiving from the tower, it does not in any way imply anything about ability of our transmitter to reach this tower.

Meaning the power between tower and mobile phone has to be aligned. Towers are big because advanced antena is more sensitive and can transmit with less power.

RF transmitter of our mobile phone rarely goes over 1W of power. If we compare this to our microwave oven which transmits 800 - 1000 W?

I hope that these fact are enough to debunk a 5G conspiracy theory.

Where we've failed ?

To answer this question we must first understand what is our purpose, why do we exists. To get this answer, I am going to use again long forgotten Hermes wisdom:

"When the Creator, who, for want of a better name, we call 'Atum', had made the 'second god', which is the Cosmos, he was pleased. His creation was beautiful, and wholly filled with goodness, and he loved it like his child. In his kindness, Atum wished for there to be a creature capable of appreciating the beauty of his creation. So, by an act of will, he created humankind, to be an imitator of his divine wisdom and nurturing love."

"Mind, the All-Father, who is Life and Light, gave birth to humanity, which bore his own image, and he took delight in his offspring. Joined to the gods by a sense of kinship, humanity worshipped them with piety and holy thoughts, while, for their part, the gods watch over humankind with concern and loving mercy. At first man was solely eternal and spiritual, but Atum saw that his new creation could not tend the Earth unless he sheltered him in a material envelope — giving man a mortal body as well as an immortal soul. So, Atum bade Nature be, and from his voice came a woman's form, so lovely that the gods were smitten with her beauty.

Atum made Nature mistress of the world. She communed with herself, producing all kinds of seeds which Atum took hold of with his hands and scattered over the Earth, who is the mother of all worldly things.

Seeing in man a beautiful image of Atum, Nature was filled with insatiable love. She clasped him to her, and they merged to become one in love.

Mortal and eternal blended and mingled so that Man may perform the demands of both sources of his nature.

Firstly, to serve God — venerating and praising the things of heaven.

Secondly,  to assist and administer the things of Earth, by tilling the soil, navigating the waters, building on the land, and by serving each other — that strongest of bonds that links the human race together."

To summarise the most important messages Hermes delivered about the purpose of the humanity:

  • Human is designed as a creature capable of appreciating the beauty of his creation,
  • Venerating and praising the things of heaven,
  • To assist and administer the things of Earth,
  • Nature communed with herself, producing all kinds of seeds which Atum took hold of with his hands and scattered over the Earth, who is the mother of all worldly things,
  • Man is mortal and eternal blended and mingled so that Man may perform the demands of both sources of his nature.

Humanity state of mind

There are many disturbing facts about human psyche. I am not going to dive deeper to the historical facts such as wars, racism, because we all know this. I am just going to point out a few disturbing examples which somehow reveal what is deep behind ourselves.

Experiments where performed with random people, who were involved in certain psychological experiments. The first example is the famous Stanford Prison Experiment.

Stanford prison experiment

"The Stanford prison experiment (SPE) was a social psychology experiment that attempted to investigate the psychological effects of perceived power, focusing on the struggle between prisoners and prison officers. It was conducted at Stanford University on the days of August 14–20, 1971 by a research group led by psychology professor Philip Zimbardo using college students. In the study, volunteers were assigned to be either "guards" or "prisoners" by the flip of a coin, in a mock prison, with Zimbardo himself serving as the superintendent. Several "prisoners" left mid-experiment, and the whole experiment was abandoned after six days. Early reports on experimental results claimed that students quickly embraced their assigned roles, with some guards enforcing authoritarian measures and ultimately subjecting some prisoners to psychological torture, while many prisoners passively accepted psychological abuse and, by the officers' request, actively harassed other prisoners who tried to stop it. The experiment has been described in many introductory social psychology textbooks, although some have chosen to exclude it because its methodology is sometimes questioned." - Wikipedia

Rhythm 0

Even more disturbing is a Rhythm 0 experiment performed by Marina Abramovic. The work involved Abramović standing still while the audience was invited to do to her whatever they wished, using one of 72 objects she had placed on a table. These included a rose, feather, perfume, honey, bread, grapes, wine, scissors, a scalpel, nails, a metal bar, and a gun loaded with one bullet.

There were no separate stages. Abramović and the visitors stood in the same space, making it clear that the latter were part of the work.

The purpose of the piece, she said, was to find out how far the public would go: "What is the public about and what are they going to do in this kind of situation?

Her instructions were placed on the table:


There are 72 objects on the table that one can use on me as desired.


I am the object.
During this period I take full responsibility.


6 hours (8 pm – 2 am)

Describing the experience she said, "In the beginning the public was really very much playing with me. Later on it became more and more aggressive. It was six hours of real horror."
She continues, "They would cut my clothes, they would cut me with the knife close to my neck, drink my blood, then put the plaster over the wound. They would carry me around half naked, put me on the table, and stuck the knife between my legs into the wood. And even somebody put a bullet in the pistol and put it in my hand and seeing if I would press it, her hand against my hand, if I would resist.
"But I remember after six hours when the gallerists come and say this piece is finished that I start being myself. I start walking to the audience, you know, naked, with blood, and tears in my eyes. Everybody ran away. Literally ran out of the door."
"People could not actually confront with me as a person."

What I would like to see is how public would react if the same type of experiment would be performed with man instead of woman. I am raising this quesiton because we are living in a highly patriarchal society which tends to objectify a female body.

Milgram Experiment

In 1961, three months after Nazi Adolf Eichmann went on trial for war crimes, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram wondered how it was possible that Eichmann and “his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders.” To figure out if such a thing were possible, Milgram set up an experiment meant to measure an individual’s willingness to obey an authority figure. In the experiment, two participants (one of which was secretly an actor) were separated in two rooms where they could only hear each other.

The test subject then read a series of questions to the actor. Each time the actor would answer a question incorrectly, the test subject would push a button that administered an electric shock to the actor.

Although many of the test subjects expressed a desire to stop the experiment at the first signs of screams, nearly every single one continued to push the button when they were told they would not personally be held responsible for any consequences - Wikipedia

There is something in common with these experiments, namely people got wild when they were explicitly told that they would not be held accountable for the consequences. Marina Abramovic also stated, that during the 6 hour period she is going to take full responsibility.

And that is the disturbing traint of humanity I wanted to point out here. If we are stripped from the responsibilities as an individual, either by a clear statement as in case of Rhythm 0 and Milgram experiment, or if we somehow feel our deeds are going go get lost in a flock of people committing atrocities.

Mother Nature

What is our relationship with the Mother Nature ? It is not the best I am afraid. As we can see from the Davos 2020, it is still perceived as an asset to our financial markets. What a disturbing and ignorant idea. We learned that we are supposed to be a protectors, and we should appreciate this magnificent creation and understand our part in it. The nature is a magnificent system, designed to provide for us, to provide us a beautiful experience.

Trees are an magnificent example, what we exhale, they inhale and transform back to what we inhale. Isn't this a beautiful cycle. a symbiosis ? But the forest can do much more than that. They provide for countless diversity of a living species, they are immensely important part of the entire system. Have you ever tried to hug a tree and feel it's energy ? It is amazing what a tree can do for a human.

But our behaviour is rather very negative. The most notable example is an Amazonian rain forest catastrophe which is happening for a while and which escalated in 2019. In the name of our sick economy and predatory capitalism, seeing the Nature only as an asset for our financial markets, humanity started to destroy what is actually an cruical part of the Planet Earth ecosystem.


Warrior indigos are those who were sent here by the Creator, to manifest Her eternal will. 



As we can see from this video, protecting the forest is a continuous process. The we could apply to the entire Mother Nature, it is a continuous process which requires a deep awareness of what we are and how we are supposed to live in Harmony. What we can learn from this video is we are entirely lost, unable to keep a heading for long enough. It can happen that some enlightened person gets elected on the top leadership position, but with the way we live, this is just temporary. It soon swings to the opposite side. It is just another proof that we, humans really need a competent, meritocratic leadership.

Australia bush fire

Even more recent event is Australia bush fire, which was devastating for the animal kingdom. It is estimated that up to one billion animals could be killed in this fire. And that is epic catastrophe. This bush fire was caused by the effect we humans are creating on the entire ecosystem. It is a proof how entire ecosystem is connected. It doesn't make any sense if a certain nation decides to outsorce a dirty manufacturing process to another part of the World. Sooner ol latter bad, myopic decisions are going to hit us back with the interests. It is also a proof of what Greta Tunberg keeps telling us, our house is on fire.

To be honest, we humans are indeed not doing to well with the "asset" which was given to us. We are getting more and more warnings, they get louder and louder. Koko the gorilla was right, Nature does observe us. Because Nature is intelligence more than we are. The Universe is intelligent beyond comprehension. The Universe feels our wrongdoings, they hurt. It is a rape. It is not a surprise, if at certain level it gets enough, and the Nature decides to take an action.

Manly P. Hall, highly intelligent man, well connected to the Nature in his last speech he delivered in 1990 gave us a dire warning. He was deeply aware where we are headed. What he told us is the following:

"If they go long enough, something is going to happen. Something is going to remind us, that Man has not the right, to destroy that which he is not create. He has not the right to take the beautiful world."

Here is his speech.

If we simply look from the perspective of statistics. Human population exploded in last 70 - 80 years. It somehow reminds me on the virus explosion ?

Because we life in a retarded "constant growth predatory capitalism mantra" this explosion has a consequences to the industries with the massive pollution. Yes, jet engines are one of the top polluters. This is the airline passenger growth from 2004 to 2020. More than double.

Another example are cruise ships. Of course with a good growth as demanded by predatory capitalism.

The Mirror

I like idea about a mirror and digital reflections discussed in Gray Scott's video..  He asserts something astounding, we can see us as other see us. He is talking about some other concepts, but the same principles can be seen anywhere in the nature.

And other is everything but humans. Gray Scott goes on and talks about digital reflections from the future. Yes ! And future wants that we see our reflection. Our reflection in mirror is the following. We inherited a beautiful pristine planet, with clean oceans, clean water, beautiful forests. And now we have to feel what we have done.

The Universe has many many way to communicate to us. One of them are enlightened movies, songs, all kind of writers, artists. For those who can understand the subtle messages, we are literally bombarded with the informations.

One of the most prophetic and iconic movies, which delivered a harsh message to us is Matrix.  In the next video from The Matrix, we couldn't get more direct and more accurate message, which we will perhaps going to understand in these time better than ever before. This message is a mirror. Humans, predatory crapitalism, destruction, an ultimate virus.

Another interesting way to deliver a messages are artists, people with vision and ability to channel certain fragments of knowledge from The Universe. The following video is a part of the amazing collection of videos, where celebrities such as Julia Roberts played a role of a Mother Nature. They speak in Her behalf.  I couldn't agree more with the messages which were delivered in this video serions.


Let me bring this post to the end and reveal what is my own "conspiracy theory.

Greta Thunberg, warrior indigo child, connected to the Nature, to the Universe said :

  • Our emissions have to stop, we need real zero, commitment just to lover emissions by the year 2050 are worthless,
  • Complete stop to invest in any fossil fuel related investments - now.

And what happened only a few months latter ? Emissions were suddenly drastically reduced. Airline and cruise ship industry shattered among others. Some kind of magick, evil Illuminati ?

Warrior indigo has indeed a power. I see a two options:

a) she channels the prime creator,

b) The Universe obeys what she wishes.

It is quite literally for those who are connected: "as you wish", Either way, what we are witnessing today is the eternal will of the Creator. And it was a Creator who sent the warrior indigos to this reality. Car manufacturers and oil lobby tried to stop Elon Musk. What happened ?  Suddenly a diesel scandal and most of the top car industry industry executives jailed, LOL. And oil prices crashed instantly.

What I am trying to say is, there is no coincidences. The Universe will deliver those who are connected to. It has a master plan way beyond what we are able to comprehend. It can steer events we are unable to put together. The plan was already revealed to us 2000 years ago. We can follow Hermes prophecy with the mathematical accuracy. What is going on in US is a stunning manifestation of what has been foretold:

  • Vulgar and careless will be considered wise,
  • Madman is going to be seen as a strongman,
  • Death will be taught more profitable than life,
  • the wicked will be held up as good,
  • higher beings will depart from mankind, only those who bring evil messages will remain, they will mingle with humans,
  • the fruits of the Earth will rot, the soil will turn barren, the very air will sicken with sun"s stagnation.

And of course, we, seekers of truth are seen as insane. We'll see who is insane soon. 

Coronavirus pandemic response

With the help of the technology which already connect us globally, we are able to follow different kind of responses to the Coronavirus pandemic. They couldn't be more different. In US, we can witness reality show with possibly unprecedented consequences, meanwhile in Germany, organised, planned and rational response with leaders constantly briefing the population. German way of communication  is a mathematical opposite to the what we can see in US. As a result, also population is calm.  Fact is that majority of the World, with the exception of a few countries led by deeply insane leaders, responded in a relatively unite way. By lockdown of economy.

It is possible that leaders planned this earlier, Davos could be one possible place. However, more plausible theory is that this is how countries planned responses long ago, because there were so many warnings about possible virus pandemy before. And US is suffering exactly because current leadership dismissed organizations taking care for threads like pandemy.

George W. Bush was never seen as a intelligent US president, but if we watch his warning from the 2005, I get a feeling he is wise like Richard Feyman was.

Different ways of response are also meant for us, humans to learn. To observe with the help of technology (internet) and to get the message what works and what doesn't. I don't thing this is a coincidence, it is again a message The Universe is sending to us, showing us a way to the better world. It is a mirror.

It is a message from the Universe, we need leaders with EQ, with ability to unite and to heal. We deeply need a healing.

Another unprecedented response is how several huge manufacturing corporations responded to the crysis. By donating necessary equipment (Elon Musk, Jack Ma), by manufacturing equipment, by sending experts to help other countries (China). That's beautiful and it is again a mirror that we can unite if we want to. We can help each other.

Nevertheless, we know how this is going to end. We are a part of incredible journey which will again restore a pristine beauty into this reality. We are living in times when things are going to be recreated. Of course it will hurt, of course it will be difficult. Some will not make it.

But perhaps the rest will see the world and this beautiful creation with the new eyes.

Let's ride this wave together and stay safe and help each other !

Ave, Akasha !

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