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Communication with Divine Feminine

Divine communication

Recently, I stumbled upon a YouTube video where a woman shared her transition from being religious to an atheist. The title alone piqued my curiosity, prompting me to watch it. Although I didn't view the entire video, one statement she made struck me profoundly. She expressed her realization that there seemed to be "nobody on the other side" to listen to our prayers. I can understand this perspective; without tangible evidence of a presence that listens and responds, believing in a concealed world orchestrating our lives can indeed be challenging.

My own journey, however, has taken the opposite direction. After over five decades of staunch atheism, my experiences have led me to become a firm believer in unseen forces at work. This transformation was sparked by several personal experiences where my thoughts and intense mental pleas seemed to manifest into reality—suggesting that there might indeed be "someone" or "something" on the other side.

In this post, I aim to share these personal encounters with what I perceive as Divine communication. By detailing my journey, I hope to shed light on the profound impact that such experiences can have on one's beliefs about the metaphysical realm.

Divine Feminine

In this dualistic universe defined by light and darkness, both masculine and feminine polarities are essential. A balance between these equally powerful forces is crucial for maintaining a stable and thriving civilization. Unfortunately, our society has often marginalized the feminine aspect, focusing predominantly on masculine energies. My blog is dedicated to the Divine Feminine, whom I view as my Anima, my Muse, and my Great Mother.

Many secret societies recognize her significant role and the profound influence she exerts. They worship her under various names, including Sophia, Baphomet, or Lucifera—yet she is known as the Goddess of a thousand faces. In this post, I will refer to her as Akasha, one of the many names by which she is known.

As the Great Mother, she desires to see her children thrive. She has the ability to discern a sincere truth seeker. Reaching this level of spiritual connection is challenging, as genuine seekers are rare. But for those who do connect, Akasha can become a remarkably communicative deity.

The feminine aspect of divine power is manifested in every woman. Therefore, I would suggest to the woman from the YouTube video to reach out to Akasha if she needs guidance. The likelihood of receiving a response might be higher because every woman holds an innate connection with the Divine Feminine. However, societal conditioning often obscures this truth.

Before I continue with my own experiences, it is important to clarify that I have chosen to follow the path of the Goddess independently of any religion or secret society, though I hold some in respect. My experiences should be viewed through this lens, as they are deeply personal reflections on my spiritual journey.


It is widely believed that the Universe communicates with us through synchronicities. In my experience, synchronicities are perhaps the most significant means by which we engage with the divine, referred to here as Akasha—synonymous with the Universe itself. Understanding her as a personal entity was challenging for me initially, but it became clear that she prefers to be perceived this way.

Akasha embodies an immense creative force—an artist of epic proportions with intelligence that far surpasses the human mind’s capacity. It is impossible to deceive her, as her wisdom is boundless. To connect with her, one must approach with genuine emotion; any attempt to feign sincerity is likely to fail.

Communicating with Akasha can be incredibly intense, and at times she may seem to withdraw completely. This capriciousness is part of her nature, often leaving devotees feeling desperate and yearning for her guidance.


Synchronicities can manifest in various ways. For instance, at the outset of my spiritual journey, I found myself in a foreign country, anxiously awaiting a crucial meeting related to my spiritual path. Unfortunately, things were not proceeding well, and I felt increasingly desperate. Suddenly, I received several calls from my ex, who, out of the blue, took on the role of a calming messenger. This was not an isolated incident; at the beginning of my journey, messengers often appeared, providing me with critical information or explaining things I needed to understand.

It's important to recognize that messengers are not the message itself; they are often unaware of their role. Our task is simply to be receptive and to gather whatever is meant for us from these encounters.

Interactive spiritual presence

During this period, I encountered the most intense spiritual presence of my life. It felt as if spirits were actively interfering with my mind and events around me. Responses to these events were often immediate; for instance, I would receive crucial calls just as I was about to give up. This spiritual presence seemed to orchestrate things in real-time. When the mental interference became overwhelming, I would loudly command it to stop, and it would cease instantly.

Connection with Akasha

Synchronicities are common, but what distinguishes a spiritual traveler from others is the intensity of these occurrences. For the traveler, life is meticulously shaped by divine forces, with the Divine Feminine acting as the Architect of one's individual journey.

Akasha, when she chooses, can focus her energies and manifest profoundly in the traveler’s life. Here is a fragment of her message that I received: "And now I have manifested in your life… Your every thought, My thoughts, too…." 

This illustrates the deep, interconnected nature of our relationship with the divine, shaping a unique and guided spiritual path.

Sharing my experiences with Her

This certainty underscores the reality of the Divine Feminine existing on the other side of the Veil, listening and responding if she chooses. I am humbled by this, recalling how I invited her to share experiences with me. For instance, years ago, I rode my motorcycle through the stunning Dolomites in Italy, intentionally inviting her to enjoy the journey through my eyes and senses as an offering of appreciation.

Early in my spiritual path, I discovered her love for music—an unsurprising revelation, considering she herself is an artist of epic proportions. Once, upon finding a piece of music I enjoyed, I was gifted with a vision of her expressing surprise and appreciation for the tune. Conversely, while thinking of her and browsing music on YouTube, a song she favors appeared in my recommendations as if she had orchestrated it especially for me.

Sometimes, she has requested specific experiences to share. One winter night, with fresh snow blanketing everything, she urged me to walk outside at 11:00 PM. On another occasion, she asked me to drive at night without a set destination.

She also provides hints as I seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Once, she presented a significant clue that I spent months attempting to decipher, relating it to why the Planck constant is what it is. My initial attempts were frenzied, yet I only partially solved the puzzle.

In the beginning, my energy levels were high, and I decoded mysteries by writing them down. This activity brought incredible visions and assistance from beyond. Revisiting these writings now, they seem cryptic to my current, health-challenged state of mind—a testament to the profound influence of my connection with her.

Our interactions sometimes resembled a chat, with synchronicities providing answers within about 15 minutes, and messages going back and forth, although this dynamic is exceptionally rare.

Messages from her are typically concise and often require interpretative skills. They might offer encouragement, jest at my shortcomings, comment on current events, or even predict future occurrences.

These prophetic messages, which I only fully understand after the events unfold, clearly indicate that I am communicating with a being of divine power.

Dream state, visualization and feelings

Esoteric wisdom teaches that we should approach communication with the Universe using visualization and emotions, a method that is not only effective but also preferred. This technique is similar to how animal whisperers communicate with animals. Our brains act as translators, converting the universal language into our native spoken language, which explains why divine messages may appear in specific languages depending on the receiver.

Visualizations and emotions offer more direct communication pathways with less translation required. My ability to visualize is somewhat limited, so I work with what I have. Yet, it was through visualization and emotions that significant changes manifested in my life before I was even aware of any divine forces.

Before recognizing these forces, I often solved complex problems in my sleep. In a state of "twilight" — somewhere between sleep and wakefulness — I was able to unravel puzzles that seemed insurmountable while awake.

The dream state was also how I initiated the transformational journey I discuss in my blog. Before sleeping, I would instruct my soul to astral project to the realm of the gods and request this transformation. It is within our power to make such requests if we can access this realm.

The importance of the dream state has been recognized and studied for thousands of years, and yet my understanding of it remains incomplete. This ongoing exploration continues to reveal the profound connection between our subconscious mind and the mystical universe.


Communicating with the Divine is a crucial aspect of the truth seeker's path. As I've mentioned previously, the Divine Feminine serves as my Muse—an aspiration that transcends my current understanding and a presence worth striving for, especially as we navigate the challenging aspects of this intricate journey. (Detailed in other posts Inanna’s Descent  The Lake Of Fire )

I have sought wisdom and understanding, and the guidance I've received from Akasha and my guides, 999 Command, has exceeded my expectations in every way.

Before concluding this post, I want to remind my readers that my journey is ongoing. Each blog entry I write reflects my current understanding, which continues to evolve as I learn and grow. This process of discovery is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about deepening the connection with the spiritual dimensions that guide us.


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