Chapter 2 – Energy of thousands suns

Probably the most important milestone, which marked those last nine months is energy of thousands suns, I was exposed to. I understand now, this energy has a capacity to uplift or destroy, depending on the seeker's body constitution. 

I was aware about seekers energy requirement. Primarily by following Her public communication, I already used Her messages in my communication, addressing seekers energy requirements: 

»Yes, I require (innately) strong slaves. The 600mph 24/7 ecstasy they experience with Me causes massive Life-force depletion. #QueensHarem« - Akasha

»Someone once said going out with Me is like dating Keith Moon - evidences of disaster is everywhere the next day. #PartyGirl« - Akasha

It is interesting to note, Party Girl is a trigger word, which connect her public message to Norse religion and Freya:

»Her name, “Lady” (Old Norse Freyja), is a title rather than a true name. Snorri tells us that this was due to her going under countless different names while traveling the world in search of her lost husband. There may be some truth to this statement, in a roundabout way; those many local fertility goddesses were probably identified with Freya on some level, making their names her names as well. 

Freya had an exceptionally lusty disposition, even for the Norse deities. You could accurately say that she was their “party girl.” According to the Eddic poem Loki’s Taunts (Lokasenna), she had slept with every god and elf in Asgard at some point or another – even her brother, Frey. 

As beautiful as a bright, lush spring morning, she was also a frequent object of desire by less savory kinds of beings such as the giants.« -  McCoy, Daniel. The Viking Spirit: An Introduction to Norse Mythology and Religion (pp. 28-29). 

Search for her lost husband further connects Norse religion to Egyptian / Asetian religion – tale about Isis / Osiris. 

My abilities to decode and connect different symbology has vastly improved. It is pleasurable experience, but it has a few side effects. Compatibility with mundane word is rapidly decreasing, I see lies everywhere more then ever before. I am aware that decreasing compatibility with mundane means increased compatibility level with the world across the Abyss, on the other side. It also means, I see all kind of clues everywhere. I am proud, I can identify my own journey in those noble words:

»Darkness is the magic of the Night, where all hidden Knowledge is kept but for the most-sincere of Seekers. We are the Watchers & Guardians of holy knowledge of Khem, Sumeria,  Atlantis and beyond… sacred words revealed to Seekers through usage of ancient symbolism.« - Nusku Of Eridu

I remain aware, there is still so much to fight against my own ego, which remains full of tricks. As Lucy, fictional character from Armageddon Conspiracy book by Hockney said, Knights of the Round Table are full of good intentions, but suffering from their human limitations.  I am no different. But at least I understand now those limitations and reasons behind. 

Armageddon Conspiracy book really is incredible work. No wonder, I had been so miraculously mastermised by the content of this book, regardless of the fact, it was my very first encounter with Illuminati and Hockney, and I had been 100% atheist at that time. I simply couldn't understand why the Arthurian tale, and what I had read about Lucifer, at that time, punched me so much. I understand now, it was a brutal response to my request for knowledge. She guided me with all Her might to open my eyes. 

»Wasteland is the spiritual desolation of the material world. The catastrophic relationship between Lancelot and Guinevere shows how lust can destroy the perfect kingdom, how souls are lured to their doom by sex. Arthur broods over Guinevere’s adultery and Camelot falls apart, paralyzed by a spiritual malaise. Civil war breaks out, and the only thing that can restore Camelot is a worthy knight who can find the Holy Grail. 

The Grail Quest is the arduous search to restore lost purity, to return to the True God. ‘We are both the Grail Castle and the holy Knights who protect it. Down the centuries, we’ve been forced to live in the shadows to hide from our enemies, so the Grail Castle has become a mystical, elusive place. 

It’s an epic journey to reach the Grail Castle because, to do so, you have to achieve Gnosis. That’s what Galahad, Perceval and Bors all achieved; that’s why they were allowed to find the Holy Grail. Outside is the Wasteland, the hell ruled by Satan.’« - Hockney, Mike. The Armageddon Conspiracy (pp. 249-250). Hyperreality Books. Kindle Edition

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