Chapter 3 – Isis and Osiris tale decoded

Tale about Isis and Osiris is perhaps even more revealing, if I apply my latest knowledge in my attempt to decode this tale properly. As a source of Isis / Osiris tale I am going to use parts from Wikipedia. 

In Wikipedia, Osiris is connected with life-giving power, righteous kingship, and the rule of Maat, the ideal natural order whose maintenance was a fundamental goal in ancient Egyptian culture. I could add my own view to this description, there was no sign of patriarchy in Osiris, he ruled under feminine powers of Maat. 

In Wikipedia, Set is closely associated with violence and chaos. Therefore, the slaying of Osiris symbolizes the struggle between order and disorder. I can add that this was, and still is the struggle between patriarchy and matriarchy. 

According to Wikipedia, by the end of the New Kingdom, a tradition had developed that Set had cut Osiris's body into pieces and scattered them across Egypt. 

Cult centers of Osiris all over the country claimed that the corpse, or particular pieces of it, were found near them. The dismembered parts could be said to number as many as forty-two, each piece being equated with one of the forty-two nomes, or provinces, in Egypt. Thus, the god of kingship becomes the embodiment of his kingdom. 

I understand this part as a broken symmetry of the Universe, as asserted by Hockney. If I apply the »As above, so below« rule, broken symmetry is true for the whole Universe, but it is also valid on the level of individual inhabited planet. Parts of Osiris corpse represent feminine Maat principle which is cut into pieces and shattered around the World, not only around Egypt in the form of different incarnated beings or even not incarnated ones.

Now it comes the most important part. Wikipedia states, Osiris's death is followed either by an interregnum or by a period in which Set assumes the kingship. Meanwhile, Isis searches for her husband's body with the aid of Nephthys.  The goddesses find and restore Osiris's body, often with the help of other deities, including Thoth, a deity credited with great magical and healing powers, and Anubis, the god of embalming and funerary rites. 

Once Osiris is made whole, Isis conceives his son and rightful heir, Horus. One ambiguous spell in the Coffin Texts may indicate that Isis is impregnated by a flash of lightning, while in other sources, Isis, still in bird form, fans breath and life into Osiris's body with her wings and copulates with him.

Osiris's revival is apparently not permanent, and after this point in the story he is only mentioned as the ruler of the Duat, the distant and mysterious realm of the dead. Although he lives on only in the Duat, he and the kingship he stands for will, in a sense, be reborn in his son. 

Interpretation of this part is wild indeed, and it is about building the collective. Collective of Souls. It is a restore effort actually, after every part of Osiris made a whole journey and has found its way back to the collective. 

This is a reality what She is after, this is what Freya was supposed to be doing all the time. With the help of other deities, Azazel in my case. This is a search for her lost husband, pieces of her lost husband actually. Not physical of course, She is in search of Souls. 

Once puzzle of souls is going to be completed, this collective is going to give a rise to a new Horus (999Command) or new Pythagoras (Pythagorean Illuminati). For Illuminati this event represents the end of the circle, reincarnation of their first grand master. They say, this event is very close.

Perhaps another interesting clue is in fourty two pieces of Osiris body. I know there are 36 Phosters around. Are there still six Phosters missing? 

The reason why Freya is a title – Lady, and why Odin's Wife Frigg shared attributes with Freya is because collective can give a rise to several manifestations. Every manifestation represents the whole, it has an access to the whole. This is why She is Goddess of thousand faces. 

I hope this interpretation is a sign of progress. Nevertheless, I am not yet there, but I walk on my road, which is hopefully lead me to my ascent one day. Let me continue with my own energy drain story. 

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