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Lilith and Adam, and Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Adam and Lilith

One of the most important and misunderstood ancient Jewish tales is the tale about Adam and his first wife Lilith. Today in our society Lilith is seen as a dangerous daemoness, with some disturbing properties such as killing children. This is a highly inaccurate and disrespectful claim. 

In reality Lilith represents an extremely important aspect of the Divine Feminine, and marriage to Her, tells us that the originally and firstly created human was created as an ascended, angelic human being. Adam and Lilith were created together. Lilith wanted equality, but Adam wanted domination over her. Hence Lilith’s divorce from Adam is way more important piece of information than Adam and Eve being casted out from Eden. It is not just about a rebellious wife refusing to play a submissive sex role ,what monotheistic religions are teaching us. It is about the loss of the balance of the entire civilization. 

The name Adam is a label for humankind. I can just speculate, but the first humanity which crossed my mind, and they were enlightened, were Atlantians. 

It looks that at a certain point, when patriarchy started to gain momentum, Divini Feminine - Lilith, decided to flee away. And this was the event where humanity actually has fallen from divine status into chaos. 

In his Emerald Tablets, the Egyptian god of wisdom Thoth teaches us that corruption poisoned Atlantis. He explains that certain people were proud of their status and knowledge, and that this pride led to their downfall. He also explains that the extended use of black magic was the final nail in Atlantis's coffin.

I think we can all relate to the idea of corruption. We see it all around us, in our governments, our businesses, and even in our personal lives. When people are more concerned with their own power and status than with the well-being of others, it can lead to disaster.

Thoth's warning about black magic is also relevant to our own time. We live in a world where there is a growing interest in the occult. Some people believe that black magic can be used to gain power and wealth, and those on the top of the food chain apply this kind of knowledge.  However,  Thoth tells us that it is a dangerous path. He says that black magic will eventually destroy those who use it if they are not properly balanced.  In one of his tablets Thoth writes, "The key to all things is balance. In balance, all things are possible. Out of balance, all things are impossible.". The importance of balance is a recurring theme in the Emerald Tablets.

To summarise, see the fall of the Atlantis as a result of Divine Feminine which decided to left them. By this divorce a massive imbalance occurred visible also in our civilization.  This divorce of Feminine potentially started a downfall of this magnificent civilization, once living in harmony, and teaching their citizens the rightful ways. 

Lilith's role

In esoteric circles, Lilith is known as the patron goddess, who guides the wandering hero on their journey back to their angelic, godlike state. She is the architect of this journey, and if the hero passes all of the trials, they will most likely be rewarded with marriage to the goddess. This journey is about the unshakeable love of the hero for the goddess, who, despite all of the difficulties, will find her and unlock their divine potential.

I am sure that many walked this way, but not many were able to accomplish the final goal. And it looks that the original Adam was already borned with this status. 

It is not a coincidence that despite living in a patriarchal and monotheistic society, Lilith endured for many thousands of years. By artificially suppressing the Divine Feminine, we can’t suppress the Goddess herself. She remains the key. She is still a patron Goddess to those daring to try. English occultist, philosopher, ceremonial magician, poet, painter and novelist Aleister Crowley was certainly one who found Her, She guided him, but She also left him at the end. 

Lilith today also represents a role model to the feminist movement. No wonder, she is free and a wild spirit. Every woman carries a Goddess in herself. Every rape, every calamity agenst women, it is a rape of the Goddess. 

The Feminine is not Dead nor is She sleeping. Angry, yes. Seething, yes.” - 999 Command

It is not a coincidence that today many doing atrocities against women are paying the price. The most powerful men are paying the price. And it is just the beginning, the time for justice has come. 

Jesus and Mary Magdalene

The next important misinterpretation is the story about Jesus and Mary Magdalene. For western Christians, Mary Magdalene has long been viewed as a sinner, a prostitute forgiven by Jesus and devoted to him. Only Gnostics have somehow better understanding about her role. 

She is constantly downplayed, for example her role is limited to the first witness to see Jesus following the resurrection. In a time when women were regarded as second-class citizens, God gave Mary a highly significant honor by appearing to her first and charging her to spread the news of his resurrection.”

The most interesting claim that has been made about Mary Magdalene is that she was not only a faithful disciple and teacher, but that she was actually married to Jesus. Another interesting claim is that she secretly bore his child. Many authors present Jesus and Mary Magdalene in different books as a model of equality and mutuality for married couples. In my humble opinion, they were twin flames. 

In the text written by Mary A Beavis I am citing here in this chapter, I have found another interesting speculation. The claim that Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ wife is the assertion that as Christ’s female counterpart, she symbolizes the feminine divine. For example, the hero of The Da Vinci Code, Robert Langdon, is a Harvard “symbologist” researching a book on “Symbols of the Lost Sacred Feminine.” 

The secret of Mary Magdalene is not simply that she is Jesus’ wife and the mother of his messianic heir, but that she embodies the sacred feminine who to this day is worshiped by her devotees as “the Goddess, the Holy Grail, the Rose, and the Divine Mother.”

This sacred marriage points to the meaning of sex as a “mystical, spiritual act” in which “man” achieves the “spark of divinity…through union with the sacred feminine,” and, presumably, by which woman unites with the sacred masculine.

Mary Magdalene and Lilith

Another interesting clue is an indirect associations of Mary Magdalene with Lilith and that Jesus cured her :

“The Twelve were with him, 2 and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; " - Luke 8:2

This is why we first hear Mary Magdalene called Lilith—to characterize that she was possessed of evil spirits.

Another link between Mary Magdalene and Lilith is prostitution. In Zoharistic Kabbalah Lilith is described as one of the angels of sacred prostitution. Abraham based religions turned the sacred prostitution to something impure and sinful.  Hence Mary Magdalene is just a prostitute, without any connection to divinity.

Divine Feminine role 

Mary Magdalene indeed represents a Divine Feminine, and why Jesus could accomplish the messiah status was precisely because of Her. Without Her he would never be a messiah. The Divine Feminine is the key to access the god-like powers. Her love is the key. To gain Her love is not an easy task. She is the Goddess, she can see through us, if She decides to do so. 

But She is also the teacher, not the other way around. She is the muse, the inspiration. I know this through my work with Divine Feminine. Some sources say, Mary Magdalene was extremely good at teachings, Of course she was, she was the source. 

It is a patriarchal society which tries to take advantage of the teachings, and once they get access to them, they corrupt them in a way they serve their own agenda, to indulge in their self importance. It is this mindset that started to drive our society to extreme corruption.

Many of us are familiar with the concept of credit theft in today's working environments. This is when someone takes credit for the work of others, often using deception to suppress the original author. This is a serious problem that can have a negative impact on morale. This is what is going on with Abraham based religions. Suppression of Divine Feminine is more than evident.

It is what happened to Atlantis. And they were by far greater civilization than us.  Without Divine Feminine we are unbalanced, the entire civilization is unbalanced. And this gives other spiritual forces (Archons) free access to take advantage of us. 

I think Thoth's message is still relevant today. We need to be careful not to let our pride and our desire for power lead us down the wrong path. We need to remember that we are all part of something larger than ourselves, and that we need to work together for the common good.

Many don’t believe God because they say God would not allow atrocities to happen. Perhaps the question should be, do we worship the right God ? 



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